Sunday, December 22, 2013

English Version Of Final Fantasy Type-0

This game has been making us wait for more than two years now, though there are many rumors saying that the game is already in localization, the wait still makes us all think that the english release of the game might be at another console/handheld console instead of the PSP. The reason why they didn't localize the game was because of the number of PSP users in western parts of the world were dwindling, and due to that, they had concluded that it wasn't even an option to make a localization. Up to date, fans made a petition towards Square-Enix to make a localization and the petition already has 15,000 people wanting the game in english. Even I myself have been waiting for this game to come out, I'm an avid fan of the series and already played through most of the games. 

The first time I saw the trailer of the game was way back in 2011, It was a cool game for me to play an action packed FF series game almost like FF7: Crisis Core. Try and watch the video to see the gameplay it holds. I'm still hoping that even after I get a new console in the nearby future hopefully, this game would already be released in glorious english. If not, then I might just have to start practicing and reading the Japanese dialect just to play the game. This game consists of 2 UMD discs showing just how much effort in detail the game has.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Coffee and Me

Don't you just love it when you wake up in the morning to start making your favorite blend of coffee. Whether which type of blend you like, the bottom line is, it's still coffee. It takes out all your sleepy head symptoms after waking up with just a couple of sips from the mug.

Waking up to see the sun rise on your comfy chair just drinking that awesome coffee brightens up the day on the most part. It makes our mind active and alert making daily tasks a charm to work with. What magic wonders a cup of coffee makes to a person. Coffee is the only companion one could have during sleepless nights of doing work related chores, the coffee's just over the side of your table staring at you and saying "hey, take a break from this once in a while bub".

You then rotate your chair to the opposite side of the table and just take that mug and have a little bit of coffee, close your eyes for a bit and now you're ready to work again. It has a lot of medicinal benefits so I heard, such as it protects you from certain types of diseases. I myself take about an average of 1-2 cups of coffee a day stirred with a couple of teaspoons of creamer and brown sugar, I've even written this blog because I sometimes take for granted the benefits of this marvelous drink and forget how it helps me in relaxing myself everyday. Coffee is so versatile that it compliments almost any activity such as writing something like a blog or an article, having a break from work, the limit is just up to how you love your coffee. When my friends and I play video games or even when I'm just playing by myself, I prefer to have coffee as my drink.

Just take in consideration the amount of coffee you take because a little bit too much of just about anything can be quite hazardous to your health. But anyway, start a day with a good hot cup of coffee and a smile and you can handle just about anything life throws at you. I bet you're even drinking some right now whilst reading this.