Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Nostalgic Gaming: Legend of Legaia!

Released in 1998 I remember playing this game around 2000 or 2001 when I was just 9 or 10 years old. This was one of those types of JRPG's that'll leave a mark on you after you finish the game, it's so good that you sometimes wonder, "Okay, I just beat the game but I now don't know what to do anymore with my life".

The characters are so lovable and so are their Ra-Seru's and since there's only three of them it's so much easier for the story to revolve around them making them important cogs in the whole natural order of the game. Each one fighting for a common cause but with separate goals to which they want to achieve.  The world of Legaia is vast and holds a lot of exciting adventures for players to go explore and experience.

I, for one, love JRPG's specially back in the day where the PSX had a whole array of great JRPG's that was just waiting to be discovered. Luckily when we bought our PSX it had this game with it. I checked out the back cover and looked at the pictures and the paragraphs and I immediately noticed that it had an RPG element of having to level up. When I found out it was an RPG I tested it out and played for a good hour or two to get a good bearing on the game.

The battle system was a lot of fun especially when you discover a new art! Arts were the main source of damage that you could do to enemies and each animation it had was unique to everyone else, the arts looked so cool and awesome that it never loses its charms even after you finish the game, I even remember writing all the arts that I had already got on a piece of paper so that the next time I would play the game again I would have the whole art list filled up very early.

The game's journey made us players felt that we we're true martial artists trying to unlock our latent talent while the game progressed and it was surprisingly rewarding at the same time. The music theme for the battle sequence was also great! It get's you pumped up for a good fight especially the epic boss battle themes!

The game is a bit difficult but if you've got enough patience on how the game goes I'm sure you'll love and treasure this game as much as I do. It's always a nice trip down memory lane when I play this game, makes me think how much time has passed but regardless of my age, this game never grows old for me and I wish it was the same to you guys who've played it before like I did. Let's have another journey with Vahn, Noa and Gala to revive all the Genesis trees to save Legaia just like old times! Oh, and maybe another trip to the Muscle Dome sounds nice!