Sunday, November 8, 2015

MH4U: The Magnificent Power Shot Type Bows!

Ever since the first time I saw the Bow do a second consecutive shot on video demo of MH4U back in January 2015, I already knew that the Bow will be even more destructive than it was on previous iterations.

I've been a Bow user ever since MHFU and I'm very happy on how the Bow has evolved throughout the series. It is a versatile ranged weapon that you can use it solely by only relying on raw or you can mix and change your play-style to a status specialist and cripple the monster with poison and paralyze. If you haven't tried it, you're missing on a simple yet fun and entertaining to use weapon.

The Power Shot was only a dream to us Bow users back in MHFU/MH3G, we've always dreamt that it would have something like a quick shot and now it has graced us with its awesomeness and finesse.

Okay guys to make thing really simple, the Power Shot doubles your damage but not just damage, it also doubles the efficiency of inducing status and elemental damage. It also makes using the level 4 charge of the Bow more viable because of its rapid succession.

Here is a simple calculation of what the Kama Sedition, one of the most powerful craftable bows, can do.

I'll be using my mixed armor set for Bows which has the following skills:

Load Up
Normal Up
Attack Up M

A honed Kama Sedition has 408 attack on display or 340 true attack. Let's say I also have the Power Charm/Talons in my inventory that adds 15 true attack and I ate for Felyne Attack Up L which increases base damage by 7 and lastly the armor skill Attack Up M which adds another 15 points of base damage.

So in total I have 377 of true attack power and while on quest I took a Might Seed which bumps it up to 387.

We'll be using Shagaru Magala's head which has a hitzone of 0.60 (or 0.65 with Weakness Exploit) and we'll assume that he's at level 140 so that we have a defense modifier of 0.65.

(Raw Attack) x (Optimal Distance) x (Charge Level) x (Power/Close Range Coating) x (Critical) x (Normal Up Bonus) x (Motion Value) x (Defense Modifier) x (Hitzone) = Damage

So it'll be..

387 x 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.25 x 1.1 x 0.22 x 0.65 x 0.65 = 166.9 or 170

But wait! the Kama Sedition is capable of doing a Power Shot! So it does a total of 340!

If you're good at sniping monster weak points with the Kama Sedition you'll have no problem at all! It just needs a lot of practice like all the other weapons.

I also said in a previous statement above that level 4 charge shots will do massive damage with the Power Shot because level 4 charge shots have a charge level modifier of 1.7 whilst level 3 charges only have 1.5, elemental damage also scales with the charge! The only draw back to doing level 4 charges all the time is that it takes too long and easily depletes your stamina at the same time.

But nonetheless Power Shot Bows have ridiculous damage output! I've seen MH4G solo players that makes minced meat out of level 140 monsters with the proper skill setup! The Bow could be one of the hardest weapons to master but it is also one of the most rewarding.

More power to the Bow! Happy hunting!

MH4U: Great Sword (GS) Damage Calculation!

I've been using the GS for a while now and I've noticed that it's a very terrifying weapon due to the insane amount of damage it does in one hit. I've searched the internet on how the damage is calculated and here is what I've found out.

Charging the GS grants it a bonus charge damage multiplier which is dependent on which level of charge was used

The unsheathe attack can also be considered the level 0 charge and it doesn't have any multiplier.

The level 1 charge gets a bonus multiplier of 1.1.

The level 2 charge gets a bonus multiplier of 1.2.

The level 3 charge gets a bonus of a whooping 1.3.

Say we have a maxed out raw GS relic with a natural purple sharpness. The displayed damage on that GS would be 1728 but since MH4U has weapon modifiers to hide the true attack value, we divide 1728 with 4.8 which is the modifier for the GS to get the true attack value.

The true attack value would now be 360. This is just the raw GS itself and doesn't have any other added attack bonuses for now.

I have a mixed set made out of GX Hunter parts that have the following skills:

Crit Draw
Weakness Exploit
Attack Up XL
Rock Steady
Quick Sheath
Slow Sharpening (Negative skill)

This set will be the basis of my calculations.

To the important stuff!

1.With this set and every food/item buff eaten/added my total raw is now 417.

2. Purple sharpness grants a 1.45 bonus damage sharpness modifier.

3.The hitzone we'll use is an enraged Teostra's head which is 0.6 for cutting or 0.65 with the Weakness Exploit skill.

4. This will be a 140 Teostra having a defense modifier of 0.65

5. Maxed out GS relics have a -10% affinity when upgraded but we'll just have to assume that the attack we do is a critical granted by the Crit Draw skill which gives an added 100% affinity on unsheathing attacks.

*Crit Draw isn't an auto critical it just adds 100 affinity meaning the GS we are using has an innate draw attack affinity of 90. Critical attacks do 1.25x more damage.

6. We'll also use Might Seeds because Might Seeds adds 10 true attack for 3 minutes and is more easier to produce than Might Pills but do use Might Pills if have them in absurd quantities. Might Pills adds 25 more true attack by the way!

7. We are using the level 3 charge.

8. If you hit the monster with the center of your blade you do 1.05x more damage.

9. We ate for Felyne attack up L which adds 7 true damage.

10. Attack Up XL adds 25 true damage.

11. We won't be using Felyne heroics.

12. We'll also fit in the Power Charm/Talon into the equation because if both of those items are inside your inventory you gain 15 more true attack. Don't ever forget to bring these!

On to the equation!

(True Raw) x (Sharpness) x (Motion Value) x (Charge Bonus) x (Crit Draw) x (Center Of Blade) x (Defense Modifier) x (Hitzone) = Damage Output

417 x 1.45 x 1.1 x 1.3 x 1.25 x 1.05 x 0.65 x 0.65 = 479.47 or 480

That is a lot of damage for just a single hit and this is just raw damage only.

Teostra has 5300  base HP but if he's a level 140 Teostra his HP triples to 15900.

The scenario for the equation I've created is more oriented on solo hunting thus it lacks Hunting Horn buffs which add a massive 20% more damage on encore.

I've been playing MH for so long that I've become interested on how they compute the damage! And this proves how devastation a pin point level 3 GS hunter is! Even if you don't have a maxed out relic and say you only have the Rouge Sedition which has 310 true raw if honed for attack you'll do (Let me just substitute the values for a sec) 422 which is still a lot!

Don't worry and do some high level guild quests and one day you'll get your overpowered GS relic. Happy hunting!