Monday, June 29, 2015

MH4U: My Mixed Armor Sets! Set #2! Status!

The other day I got a pretty powerful paralysis CB relic (if you want to look it up it's here). I've fooled around with some armor parts and I came up with an armor set that unleashes the full potential of my paralysis CB. This set revolves around Chameleos and Lunastra and has a ton of slots to start with. This set will annoy almost every monster especially those that have a low tolerance against paralysis! The talisman on the other hand can be very hard to obtain but you could also use any handicraft +5 charm but since I was given something better I'll use that instead.

Looks like a blue power ranger to me and add the blue relic I got, I'd be painting the town blue instead of red! This is a fun set to use and if you use this for online multiplayer purposes, you'll be contributing a lot to your fellow hunters due to the fact that this set inflicts status crazy fast! If you do want to use this with other types of status weapons just be sure that the weapon you're using has a considerable amount of natural affinity, may it be just 10% it'll still be a big help!

The armor pieces and talisman are:

Empress Crown X - OOO
Grand Mizuha Guards - O
Grand Mizuha Sleeves - OO
Grand Mizuha Sash - OOO
Empress Greaves X - OOO
Miracle Charm - Handicraft +5, Artillery +11 ---

Since it's made out of rarity 10 armor pieces the total defense it has is high.
Maxed out Defense = 758 (No armor talon/charm)

Elemental Resistance:

Fire -4
Water +5
Thunder +2
Ice +0
Dragon -7

Good thing the resistances are pretty much neutral and the values aren't at an alarming rate either. You can use this to any monster you want and you don't have to suffer high elemental damage from them.

Decorations needed:

Expert +5 Jewel x1
Artisan +3 Jewel x1
Status +3 Jewel x2
Wind Res +1 Jewel x2

Skills activated:

Sharpness +1 (10)
Status Crit (11)
Status Atk +2 (16)
Critical Eye +1 (10)
Artillery Novice(11)
Windproof (lo) (10)

It's got a ton of skills! With the weapons natural 25% affinity and add that up with CE +1 and Status Crit, you'll be piling up so much paralysis damage that you'd be surprised as to how fast this set paralyzes monsters! And since you paralyze them a lot there'll be a lot of openings for you to use the CB finishers! Add that up with the bonus damage it gains from Artillery Novice and your hunting time will surely be a minute or so faster!

Relic Weapon! MH4U! (Charge Blade, CB)

From a 140 Rajang! Comes a weapon of paralysis inducing pain! Finally a relic where I can play with the Status Crit skill because of its innate affinity. I want to test out the new skills available, maybe Sharpness +1, Guard +1, Status Crit, Critical Eye +X, Status Atk +X and other stuff that just makes a new and cool play style that could suit me even better. I'm very well used to evading due to the fact that I was maining the SnS for a while and switching to the Bow later, guess I'll be going out of my comfort zone!

Appearance: Elendskraft with a blue glow
Sharpness: 30 hits of white or 30 hits worth of purple and 60 hits of white with Sharpness +1
Element: 240 Paralyze
Affinity: 10% or 25% when upgraded
Attack: 1044 Impact
True attack value: 290
Defense: +0
Slots/Decorations: Status Res +4
Rarity: 10

I've already made a mixed armor set for this which looks kinda cool, I'll make a separate post about that in the near future. This set specializes on status application to let that paralyze get in instantly and throughout the whole hunt, paralyze vulnerable monsters will just bow down to this! So here are the skills that I'll be using this with:

Sharpness +1
Status Atk +2
Status Crit
Critical Eye +1
Artillery Novice

With it's natural 25% affinity and add 10% more with CE +1 I'll have a CB that can tear through monsters with it's high damage output and also paralyze it for more free phial bursts! I'll be using this  from now on during online play cause I can already visualize this being a great help for other hunters to get them some free hits absolutely doing tons and tons of damage! It's hard to fit in CE +3 to get in 20% more affinity instead of 10% due to the amount of points it demands but who knows, maybe I'll be lucky enough to get a good Expert charm along the way. More hunts! More rewards! Happy Hunting!

Relic Weapon! MH4U! (2nd Charge Blade, CB)

From a level 140 Teostra comes a weapon of water elemental capability! Since it's a bit difficult for me to get the Ceadeus Regalia materials I'll be using this water CB for now. High elemental attack and a good raw with natural affinity makes this a heavy hitter on the front lines. I think I'll use this as way to test how good the elemental Elemental Crit skill is and of course I'll use it against monsters weak to water. This'll be a good addition to my arsenal of CBs that are in such short supply since I focused too much on creating other weapon types.

Appearance: Deceadeus with a purple blade.
Sharpness: 30 hits of white or 30 hits worth of purple and 60 hits of white with Sharpness +1
Element: 450 Water
Affinity: 10% or 25% when upgraded
Attack: 1044 Impact
True attack value: 290
Defense: +0
Slots/Decorations: O one slot
Rarity: 9

Since I use my Honed Blade set too much I think I'll separate from it from time to time and change into some of my experiment mixed sets and maybe I could discover some other great skills to exploit their advantages. I'll also lay low on the whole evasion add-on on almost every armor set that I have so that I can focus more on offensive skills. Here are the skills I'll use this with:

Elemental Crit
Water Atk +3
Sharpness +1
Critical Eye +1
Artillery Novice

I've never been a fan of armor sets that focus on a single element, I'm more of a person that makes a utility armor set that I could use for general purposes. This could be a challenge for me but a fun challenge indeed. Since I've got enough materials to make this mixed armor set and I've already forged the armor pieces that I want, I think it's time for me to try out skills that I don't normally use and if anything piques my interest I'll write about it in some other time. Happy hunting! 

Nostalgic Gaming: Suikoden 2!

Released in 1998 Konami made a game that was a sequel to an original title that was loved by many gamers around the world. Suikoden 2 was about friends being torn apart because of destiny and power, and how everything was changed because of one faithful event.

This game has so much raw emotions because it starts so simple, you want to get stronger so that you could beat the villain but as you go through the story you'll know that it's more than that. You're trying your best to overthrow tyranny and fear that the Highland army invokes, sure they have their own ideals but ideals if not common to many, creates conflict and that conflict is what causes the casualties of war.

(Image from
The main character Riou was just a young boy trying to earn a living by joining the army with his best friend Jowy not knowing that they were already involved in a mighty stream that they couldn't get out of. Being the bearer of the Bright Shield Rune and the Black Sword Rune both of them had their own goals though they weren't common and was at a complete opposite to each other.

The game was fast paced even if it was a JRPG, so many characters rich with their own reasons to fight the war, runes that envelope the fate of many and a lot of fun side quests that you could do in between all of the chaos the game brings.

First time I played this I enjoyed it because of the awesome runes and battle mechanics it had and when I got older I replayed the game again and I noticed that it was so much more than just that. The story grabbed me and pulled me in the game, I was happy even with all the problems I was suffering back then. Though this was just a video game, it helped me a lot in reality, it gave me hope that in the end, everything'll be alright. I think I'm not the only one whose struck by a game this hard, there are a lot of us that knows this feeling all too well.

The music was so engrossing! Happiness, sadness, deceit and everything else you name it and the game provides you a perfect background music with it. The music enhances your feelings to the game so much that just listening to one of the tracks brings us back to a time where everything was so simple yet true. Every once in a while I reminisce by listening to the music of Suikoden 2 regardless of my age and it will always have a special place in my heart as I grow even older.

My brother used to play this game a lot, I used to just sit back and enjoy watching and learning how to get characters and special runes. Fury + Double-Beat on Riou? Yes please! To everyone who's played this game and knows the value it holds, we're all fortunate to have played it and stick with it till the very end of the credits.