Monday, June 29, 2015

MH4U: My Mixed Armor Sets! Set #2! Status!

The other day I got a pretty powerful paralysis CB relic (if you want to look it up it's here). I've fooled around with some armor parts and I came up with an armor set that unleashes the full potential of my paralysis CB. This set revolves around Chameleos and Lunastra and has a ton of slots to start with. This set will annoy almost every monster especially those that have a low tolerance against paralysis! The talisman on the other hand can be very hard to obtain but you could also use any handicraft +5 charm but since I was given something better I'll use that instead.

Looks like a blue power ranger to me and add the blue relic I got, I'd be painting the town blue instead of red! This is a fun set to use and if you use this for online multiplayer purposes, you'll be contributing a lot to your fellow hunters due to the fact that this set inflicts status crazy fast! If you do want to use this with other types of status weapons just be sure that the weapon you're using has a considerable amount of natural affinity, may it be just 10% it'll still be a big help!

The armor pieces and talisman are:

Empress Crown X - OOO
Grand Mizuha Guards - O
Grand Mizuha Sleeves - OO
Grand Mizuha Sash - OOO
Empress Greaves X - OOO
Miracle Charm - Handicraft +5, Artillery +11 ---

Since it's made out of rarity 10 armor pieces the total defense it has is high.
Maxed out Defense = 758 (No armor talon/charm)

Elemental Resistance:

Fire -4
Water +5
Thunder +2
Ice +0
Dragon -7

Good thing the resistances are pretty much neutral and the values aren't at an alarming rate either. You can use this to any monster you want and you don't have to suffer high elemental damage from them.

Decorations needed:

Expert +5 Jewel x1
Artisan +3 Jewel x1
Status +3 Jewel x2
Wind Res +1 Jewel x2

Skills activated:

Sharpness +1 (10)
Status Crit (11)
Status Atk +2 (16)
Critical Eye +1 (10)
Artillery Novice(11)
Windproof (lo) (10)

It's got a ton of skills! With the weapons natural 25% affinity and add that up with CE +1 and Status Crit, you'll be piling up so much paralysis damage that you'd be surprised as to how fast this set paralyzes monsters! And since you paralyze them a lot there'll be a lot of openings for you to use the CB finishers! Add that up with the bonus damage it gains from Artillery Novice and your hunting time will surely be a minute or so faster!

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