Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Nostalgic Gaming: Final Fantasy 5/V!

Originally released in 1992 by Squaresoft, this game would be rough on beginners that didn't know how the job system works and the game itself punishes you for it. I played this game back on the Playstation console but I never finished it, there were no guides or anything to help you, you just had to follow your gut feeling and piece up all the puzzles by yourself.

This was a challenging game for me but even though it gave me a hard time, I loved it! The character customization was so deep! Mixing different jobs with different skills was a blast and coming up with a strategy for the in-game bosses was thought provoking to say the least. The brute-force method wasn't always the answer for tough battles, well up until you master a ton of jobs and use the Freelancer(bare) job then the game gets pretty easier.

I'll be using the GBA version for references as this was the version that I finished. If you haven't played the GBA version it's still the same game, a little bit more refined than the original when graphics are compared and some bonus features were added to the game to give it a longer lifespan. Okay then! Back to the game itself!

Ever wonder what it would be like having a knight dual wield knight swords? Or maybe a summoner that has access to blue magic? This game takes job mastering to the next level! Before the micromanaging schematics of Final Fantasy Tactics (and the tactics series), Final Fantasy V was already ahead with its multitude of unique jobs that made strategizing with every character so indulging!

The story has a lot of action, drama and a ton of comedy, it'll keep you entertained as you go further into it. The game has so many secrets that are just waiting to be uncovered! Hidden weapons, items and even summons! You just got to explore every nook and cranny the game has! My favorite job has got to be a tie between the versatility of a Blue Mage and the adeptness of the Ranger! Blue magic is so much fun to learn and the spells range from powerful attacks that annihilate foes in a single glimpse to spells that give insane party buffs.

Too bad Blue magic can't be used with the dual cast command but still it wreaks havoc almost anywhere! The Ranger, which is my favorite physical damage dealing class, comes equipped with bows and has access to the all-powerful skill Rapid-Fire! Come on man, four attacks in one turn? That's absurd! It does attack randomly though when dealing with groups of enemies but if you're dealing with just one enemy, she/he'll completely be destroyed in an instant!

For us who've played the game and still plays it to this day, we all have a favorite job class that we hold dear to us, even the humble Knight class has a special place for me. Just hearing the overworld map music gives me goosebumps! It's as if it pushes us to find another new adventure wherever the wind guides us.

I'm still hoping that this game gets a noble and respectable remake, I'd buy that remake with no hesitation, and so much more if they add more content to it! Let's all hope for the best that this gem of a game gets what it deserves. I'd like to travel again with Bartz and the gang, reliving all those epic moments and saving the world once again being the crystal bearer that we are.

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