Wednesday, August 12, 2015

MH4U! My Top 5 Non-Relic SnS!

1. Lunatic Rose

Gold Rathian's SnS! A solid SnS that has high attack, great sharpness, good poison and has two bonus slots to mess decorations around with. The trade off? You've got to make this one from scratch but don't worry because it's all worth it. You'll have to go through all the Rathians in every rank to make this SnS.
  • Attack - 406
  • True Attack - 290
  • Element - 310 Poison
  • Affinity - 0%
  • Sharpness - 90 hits with white or 60 hits with purple with Sharpness +1
  • Defense - +0
  • Slots - Two slots
  • Rarity - 10

2. Anular Sol

What happens when the fires of gold and silver collide? An SnS of blazing proportion! This is a well balanced SnS that'll solve your problems with monster that are weak to fire. It's got great overall stats and mostly covers everything an SnS should be. You can either make this from scratch or just choose to create the Platinum Dawn which upgrades to this.

  • Attack - 392
  • True Attack - 280
  • Element - 350 Fire
  • Affinity - 0%
  • Sharpness - 90 hits with white or 60 hits with purple with Sharpness +1
  • Defense - +0
  • Slots - One slot
  • Rarity - 10

3. Teostra's Emblem

Want explosions? And more explosions?! Well Teostra's Emblem will surely make your wish come true! This one has an absurd amount of blast and pair this up with Bombardier or Felyne Pyro, and you're a one man wrecking crew. The upgrades for this weapon doesn't demand too much but it may become a nuisance when the game just doesn't want to give you the Worn Sword ancient shard.

  • Attack - 350
  • True Attack - 250
  • Element - 500 Blast
  • Affinity - 0%
  • Sharpness - 90 hits with white or 90 hits with purple with Sharpness +1
  • Defense - +0
  • Slots - No slots
  • Rarity - 10

4. Reigning Grissword

This SnS is just screaming with pure raw potential and it doesn't need the skill sharpness +1 to shine. For me, if you just awaken it and add the blast to it's attacks, you're gonna have a grand time tearing through monsters like butter. Though it doesn't have good purple sharpness the amount of white bar it has compensates for it pretty well. To get this SnS, you've got to get parts from Tigrex, Brute Tigrex and of course Molten Tigrex as well.

  • Attack - 420
  • True Attack - 300
  • Element - 220 Blast (Awakened)
  • Affinity - +20%
  • Sharpness - 180 hits with white or 10 hits with purple with Sharpness +1
  • Defense - +0
  • Slots - One slot
  • Rarity - 10

5. Le Limier

The Shagaru Magala SnS! High affinity with great sharpness and a considerable amount of dragon element makes this a good candidate in my list of SnS worth making. The 40% affinity is ridiculously insane! Add in more attack increasing skills and you'll be doing crazy amounts of DPS. It uses Gore and Shagaru parts so it's a bit tedious to make but don't worry because it serves its purpose well.
  • Attack - 336
  • True Attack - 240
  • Element - 350 Dragon
  • Affinity - +40%
  • Sharpness - 120 hits with white or 90 hits with purple with Sharpness +1
  • Defense - +0
  • Slots - One slot
  • Rarity - 10

*Do note that the attack values here are the original values they started off with, they aren't honed with attack.

There you have my top 5 non-relic SnS! These, for me, are the five best SnS that MH4U has, I know some may agree and some may not but that's just how it is. Nonetheless, I hope I've helped you in picking which SnS to make because there's a ton of them.

Craft those SnS and let's hunt! Happy hunting!

MH4U! My Mixed Armor Sets! Set #5! DoomShroom!

I've done a lot of offensive armor sets lately and I've thought to myself, "Yeah, I think it's time to mess around with some fun armor skills" and then my DoomShroom set was created!

This set focuses on supporting fellow hunters with healing and a few good buffs! Pair this up with the SnS and you'll easily maintain the buffs through out the hunt!

There are tons and tons of hunters out there but support hunters are rarely found. You may think that "this set isn't needed for level 140 quests" but it's just a matter of how you play the game. Skills are just supplementary abilities that'll aid us in hunts but the real one in control is you, not the skills.

Sometimes hunting gets boring and troublesome when you use the same weapon and armor over and over again, a way to freshen up MH4U or just about any MH title game, is to widen your horizon and come out of your comfort zone and try new things!

The armor pieces and talisman are:

Vanigs Helm X - O
Vangis Armor X - O
G. Knight Gloves X - O
G. Knight Coay X - OO
Nibelsnarf Greaves X - ---
Miracle Charm - Amplify +4, Wide Range +8 OOO

Since it's made out of rarity 8-9 armor pieces, it's got a relatively high defense
Maxed out Defense = 732 (No armor talon/charm)

Elemental Resistance:

Fire +2
Water +0
Thunder -10
Ice -2
Dragon -7

As expected using Vangis armor pieces, it's got a bit of weakness towards thunder but a good meal ought to solve that problem instantly! The rest is almost near neutral making it useful against pretty much any monster.

Decorations needed:

Eating +1 Jewel x2
Mycology +2 Jewel x5

Skills activated:

Sharpness +1 (11)
Wide Range +2 (15)
Speed Eating +2 (15)
Attack Up Small (10)
Mushromancer (10)

Wide Range is such an underrated skill that needs more notice. Potions, might seeds, adamant seeds, nulberries and antidotes can all be used with Wide Range and it's so useful when your fellow hunters are in a tight situation.

Wide Range itself is good but pair this up with Speed Eating +2 and you can just heal or buff anybody instantly!

This set revolves around teamwork and teamwork is one of the most important factors to consider when hunting online even if you're doing it with random people. Even if it's just a small potion heal, every bit of help is always appreciated.

Don't be afraid to try out new stuff! like experimenting with armor mixing or using skills that you would never thought you'd use in serious online or offline hunts. MH isn't a competitive game, it's a game that is enjoyed whatever play style you prefer.

Go out there and play with a bunch of weapons you've never tried before or have fun with some new armor skills! You just have to enjoy what MH4U has to offer! Happy hunting!