Saturday, June 20, 2015

Games News: Resident Evil 0 HD Remaster Confirmed!

Coming out early 2016! Another remastering of a main title in the series where it also seems that they're remastering the Gamecube version first before tackling any other system. This game was exclusive back then to the Gamecube, couldn't play it with the PS2 or the Xbox but now is our chance to play this game after being remastered!

Surely if you haven't played this game, it had the same atmosphere as the Gamecube's Resident Evil 1 Remake though the difference is that you play two characters alternately switching between Rebecca Chambers and Billy Coen.

Both of them have their unique trait such as Rebecca is a medic therefore she knows how to mix herbs but she has less tolerance to damage whilst Billy on the other hand has the lighter, the ability to move heavy objects and he takes more of a beating when compared to Rebecca.

The puzzle system here is solved by using both character's capabilities which gives the characters more depth and uniqueness.

Since Resident Evil 0 is a bit blurry to us compared to the other main titles, this is a great opportunity to know what kind of antagonist we're up against this time and if you've already played the game before, this is a good chance to reminisce and get some good old nostalgia from it in the process.

The demo of the game displayed that it has the same feature of using either original movement control which is the tank one, and the alternate movement option just like the on Resident Evil 1 Remastered had so choose one and have a fun time dodging face eating zombies!

The game is still in early process but the demo shows that the graphics are a lot more clearer and crisp compared to the original, what more if the game itself is complete? Nonetheless let's all wait and see how good this game will be and also hope that Resident Evil 2 and 3 have their own remasters or maybe even a remake if they so choose to do but that takes a lot more time developing compared to this game, even so I think this title will still entertain thousands and thousands of people around the world when it gets released. Thanks Capcom!

Relic Weapon! MH4U! (Hammer)

I've got this one from a level 140 double Rajang quest! I like the Hammer but I struggle a bit when using it during online, you know, a lot of people like to go for the head and as a Hammer user, you'll get tripped a lot and also annoyed! The Hammer is a powerful weapon! Though you do need to use the Element Wystone to get the KO status on Apex monsters which is a bit of a shame if you use a non-elemental Hammer. Enough chit chat! Here are the stats of my very first usable Hammer relic:

Appearance: Crystal Nova with blue spikes.
Sharpness: 30 hits of white or 30 hits worth of purple and 60 hits of white with Sharpness +1
Element: 420 Dragon
Affinity: 0%
Attack: 1664
True attack value: 320
Defense: Initial +5 maxing out its level bumps it up to +50
Slots/Decorations: OOO three slots
Rarity: 10

I'd prefer a Sharpness +1 on this Hammer along with either Heavy Hitter or Knockout King to get those KO's quicker and a lot more frequent. It's got high attack and high Dragon value which makes it great for monsters weak to Dragon. The three available slots it has makes it versatile for armor mixing. Yeah, I know, this one's one of those relics that increases defense when you upgrade it, I still don't know why I keep getting defense relics but I'll take it anyway!

The armor skills that I'll use this with are:

Honed Blade
Challenger +2
Elemental Atk Up
Evasion +1

For now I'll just have to use my Challenger set for this one until I get some Miracle charms designed for Hammers, don't worry, this set will somewhat bring out a percentage of the potential this weapon has. This is a powerhouse relic wherever you look at it and it will bring glory to those who wield it wisely and properly!