Wednesday, July 8, 2015

MH4U Monster Breakdown: The Yian Garuga!

The reason why I made this post about this guy is that he's a freak of nature to deal with and it's so absurd once you try and fight a G-rank or a level 140 Yian Garuga cause the first time you deal with him, he'll wipe the floor with you at least that's what happened to me when I tried to solo him by trying to get some of his lash.

He'll be so fast that he's going to overwhelm you through most of the quest, but if you read all his patterns right you'll do just fine, fastest time I've soloed him was under 12 minutes, wasn't even using an overpowered relic but a level 136-140 Yian Garuga, well that's a completely different thing, might need 2-4 hunters to hunt that overpowered menace!

It's as if he was made to destroy hunters! He can poison with his tail, stun you with his roars and wind pressure and ultimately make you cart because of his ridiculous damage output.

He's a great challenge but his rewards aren't that much to brag about, he doesn't drop Zenith gems or any gem for that matter so if you want to get some of his parts, just tackle the regular G-rank one and you're all set to go. The Metroid event quest is a good one wherein you have to take out a frenzied Yian Garuga and even have the Samus LBG as a reward after beating him so that's a pretty good addition to it.

For this guy the blademaster armor skills I'd recommend are Earplugs or Evasion +1 if you're good at dodging his roar, Weakness Exploit because once you trip him or get to hit his face you'll do more damage than usual, Challenger is good on him cause he's almost always enraged, if not just get in some offensive skill like Attack up or Critical Eye, any of the two will do just fine. Just don't easily get frustrated like I do, or else he'll get up your nerves pretty quickly and it'll mess up your concentration.

Focus is the main key to hunting monsters! Lose a little bit of focus and you'll pay the price! This is true for most solo hunters that like to add a challenge to their game, why do they solo monsters instead of just joining in a group and beating the crap out of a monster? I'll tell you why, it's because there's always that addictive sense of achievement you get when you do a good solo hunt, it raises once spirit and self confidence to a higher degree than normal.

Anyways! This was the breakdown of Yian Garuga, the monster with a plethora of attacks that'll make your hunts miserable if you don't take him seriously as with a lot of monsters that MH4U has. More practice and happy hunting!

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