Friday, July 10, 2015

MH4U Monster Breakdown: Teostra!

This elder dragon isn't titled emperor or king for no reason, he hits for crazy amounts of damage and add the application of blast blight to almost every attack he has, and you've got yourself one hell of a problem. Teostra is the embodiment of fire and ember, when enraged he's like a ticking time bomb that explodes into a dazzling supernova that almost guarantees to one shot you (A level 140 Teostra nova could probably be a guaranteed insta-cart!).

One way of knowing when his supernova will come is using a drive or force wystone when he enters rage mode and then when the wystone runs out you've got yourself 10-15 seconds worth of time before a supernova comes. When he stops and creates rings of burning ash around him stay clear and watch out! It has four patterns, frontal, back, around him and a large radius centering him. Like what I told you earlier, his attacks are strong and if you're inflicted with blast blight and he hits you, it's either going to eat up 90% of your health or it just plainly kills you.

(Image from MHwikia)
When he's not enraged he has a passive immolation, it's like being near lava, this just shows how he easily manipulates his powers to give him hunter-melting protection.

A normal Teostra only has his head being protected by this fire barrier but a level 136-140 one has his whole body covered with it.

Luckily we as hunters can knock him out of this status by staggering him and he loses this ability when enraged or when his horns are broken (Elder dragon horns don't break easily, for Teostra he has to have less than 30% of his health for his horns to break). This monster has to be one of the coolest monsters I've ever faced, fought him before in MHFU but in MH4U he's a lot stronger and more ruthless.

Traps don't work on elder dragons so that's out of the equation, put a trap for him and he'll just laugh at you! (well if he could that is!).

Flash bombs still stun him making room for you to gather yourself and give time to heal or sharpen.

His tail can't be normally cut off, he's got to have less than 40% of his health left for it to come off. He always roars when he enters rage mode and none after that unlike Kushala Daora who loves to scream at you for the duration of the whole quest! Jeez!

His back legs are weakest to ice while his head is weak to water, his back legs by the way are weak to Cut/Impact attacks, it's a good place to pile-up damage and since it has a 45 hitzone and you almost always aim for it, the skill Weakness Exploit will be a big help!

This guy loves to lunge and run over you and he always does that through out the hunt, what you want to be looking for is when he does his flamethrower, this is his biggest opening. Hunt with precaution when dealing with this elder dragon or you'll eat a lot of ash and brimestone! Happy hunting!

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