Monday, June 29, 2015

Relic Weapon! MH4U! (2nd Charge Blade, CB)

From a level 140 Teostra comes a weapon of water elemental capability! Since it's a bit difficult for me to get the Ceadeus Regalia materials I'll be using this water CB for now. High elemental attack and a good raw with natural affinity makes this a heavy hitter on the front lines. I think I'll use this as way to test how good the elemental Elemental Crit skill is and of course I'll use it against monsters weak to water. This'll be a good addition to my arsenal of CBs that are in such short supply since I focused too much on creating other weapon types.

Appearance: Deceadeus with a purple blade.
Sharpness: 30 hits of white or 30 hits worth of purple and 60 hits of white with Sharpness +1
Element: 450 Water
Affinity: 10% or 25% when upgraded
Attack: 1044 Impact
True attack value: 290
Defense: +0
Slots/Decorations: O one slot
Rarity: 9

Since I use my Honed Blade set too much I think I'll separate from it from time to time and change into some of my experiment mixed sets and maybe I could discover some other great skills to exploit their advantages. I'll also lay low on the whole evasion add-on on almost every armor set that I have so that I can focus more on offensive skills. Here are the skills I'll use this with:

Elemental Crit
Water Atk +3
Sharpness +1
Critical Eye +1
Artillery Novice

I've never been a fan of armor sets that focus on a single element, I'm more of a person that makes a utility armor set that I could use for general purposes. This could be a challenge for me but a fun challenge indeed. Since I've got enough materials to make this mixed armor set and I've already forged the armor pieces that I want, I think it's time for me to try out skills that I don't normally use and if anything piques my interest I'll write about it in some other time. Happy hunting! 

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