Monday, June 29, 2015

Relic Weapon! MH4U! (Charge Blade, CB)

From a 140 Rajang! Comes a weapon of paralysis inducing pain! Finally a relic where I can play with the Status Crit skill because of its innate affinity. I want to test out the new skills available, maybe Sharpness +1, Guard +1, Status Crit, Critical Eye +X, Status Atk +X and other stuff that just makes a new and cool play style that could suit me even better. I'm very well used to evading due to the fact that I was maining the SnS for a while and switching to the Bow later, guess I'll be going out of my comfort zone!

Appearance: Elendskraft with a blue glow
Sharpness: 30 hits of white or 30 hits worth of purple and 60 hits of white with Sharpness +1
Element: 240 Paralyze
Affinity: 10% or 25% when upgraded
Attack: 1044 Impact
True attack value: 290
Defense: +0
Slots/Decorations: Status Res +4
Rarity: 10

I've already made a mixed armor set for this which looks kinda cool, I'll make a separate post about that in the near future. This set specializes on status application to let that paralyze get in instantly and throughout the whole hunt, paralyze vulnerable monsters will just bow down to this! So here are the skills that I'll be using this with:

Sharpness +1
Status Atk +2
Status Crit
Critical Eye +1
Artillery Novice

With it's natural 25% affinity and add 10% more with CE +1 I'll have a CB that can tear through monsters with it's high damage output and also paralyze it for more free phial bursts! I'll be using this  from now on during online play cause I can already visualize this being a great help for other hunters to get them some free hits absolutely doing tons and tons of damage! It's hard to fit in CE +3 to get in 20% more affinity instead of 10% due to the amount of points it demands but who knows, maybe I'll be lucky enough to get a good Expert charm along the way. More hunts! More rewards! Happy Hunting!

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