Sunday, June 28, 2015

MH4U: My Mixed Armor Sets! Set #1! Artillery CB!

This is my Artillery CB set that focuses on finishers. I've read some blogs and threads that discuss that Artillery Novice grants a 1.3 bonus damage for CB finishers while some wiki says that it's just 1.15 but either way it boosts the finishers nonetheless. I could also use this for evade Gunlancing but I still need to practice the GL. I enjoy the mix of evading and guard pointing because it makes the hunt a lot more easier for me. One of the skills that I started to like was the Challenger +2 skill since it gives you a massive attack bonus as well as added affinity, so monsters who're always enraged (*cough* *cough* Rajang!) are subject to high DPS.

Luckily the armor set looks awesome as if it was made from just one type of monster. I used violet for the pigments so that it resembles a bit of Gore Magala. This armor set is independent by itself and it doesn't need any slotted weapon in any manner but if I had a pretty good three slotted relic I'd gem in a +5 attack decoration or I could use the slots for artillery points if I was to use a Gunlance.

The armor pieces and talisman are:

Gore Helm X - ---
Kushala Cista X - OO
Miralus Grieves - OO
Kushala Cocoon X - OOO
Chaos Greaves - OOO
Miracle Charm - Handicraft +5, Artillery +11 ---

Since it's made out of rarity 9-10 armor pieces the total defense it has is high.
Maxed out Defense = 745 (No armor talon/charm)

Elemental Resistance:

Fire -10
Water +10
Thunder -19
Ice +15
Dragon -24

The only thing that bothers me with the elemental resistance is that -24 to dragon because if by some way a Devil Jho or a Stygian Zinogre hits me with an elemental attack, it'll hurt a lot!

Decorations needed:

Evasion +3 Jewel x1
Spirit +1 Jewel x2
Spirit +3 Jewel x3

Skills activated:

Challenger +2 (15)
Sharpness +1 (11)
Artillery Novice (11)
Attack Up Small (10)
Evasion +1 (10)

Some hunters don't like the evasion skill but I do, I use it defensively and offensively and it opens up more opportunities to attack. I like using the evasion skills when hunting solo and I just choose a more offensive oriented set when playing online. I'll post more mixed sets in the future! Happy hunting!

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