Thursday, November 28, 2013

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite Madness!

The ever growing franchise grows bigger and bigger by the day. In 2009, my friend gave me a game called "Monster Hunter Freedom Unite" quite a mouthful for a title for the PSP. The first time I heard it I thought this game has got to be good considering my friend that gave it to me knows and appreciates good games. I loaded it up and saw that CAPCOM made it, yes, CAPCOM creator of some of my favorite games since I was but a child and up to date. I created my character's features and started the game.

The opening sequence made me think this game was good considering you got to fight side by side via WLAN with three of your other friends battling a monster named after a T-Rex and a tiger. As the cut scene ends and my character is now controllable, I explored and talked to all the NPC's there and after talking to the elder my first quest started. The controls at first were strange to the fact that i could control anything mostly. Dodging, sheathing, unsheathing of weapon almost everything was at my command. I took the supplies and went on to my first boss hunt, the Buldrome. It was a game of tactics, timing, wit and teamwork if you were playing with your friends. 

It was entertaining to say the most but the game just got a whole lot bigger when I saw how many quests were available including the training grounds, the guild hall, and the two village rank quests. The magnitude of weapons, armor and jewels were almost endless and there was the presence of hunter rank which was from 1-9. The gameplay was unique, The lifespan was almost unending and the amount of fun and stress you got from it was priceless. I loved the game so much that I ended up investing more than 500 hours of game time to it.

(Image from MHwikia)
After reaching the end and finishing the game back then I waited for the 3rd game which was Monster Hunter Portable 3rd, though it was in Japanese I still played it and loved all the new features, weapons and monsters that were in there. Up to now I still play Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (MHFU) up to this day and try to relive the stressful and funny moments the game gave to me back then. Thank you CAPCOM for the game and may the series never end.

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