Friday, January 24, 2014

Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions

I remembered playing the original PSX version of this back in 1998, I was only 7 at that time, it was the first tactics based game I played that made me love the whole series. I was even expecting Ramza to be in the game Dissidia but alas he couldn't cut it. The story was so moving that every death scene it had always shook me to the bones.

The world of Ivalice was a world filled with magic and sorcery where only the most powerful could prevail. If you like the job system of the previous Final Fantasy games, you'll love this. The depth of the customization is so deep that it'll make you sink in hours and hours of customization.

Jobs ranged from a humble Squire to a silent ninja, the choice is yours which job, skills and weapons they would wield. This game was a hard game for a 7 year old me back then so after encountering a lot of game over screens, I switched to just watching my brother played it. I didn't understand back then what story it had, I just loved the battle scenes where Holy Knights would wreak havoc using their holy sword skill on monsters and humans.

Sadly, my Idol in the game Ramza, wasn't able to change into those overpowered jobs, well, unless you cheated it would be possible. Good thing in the PSP version, War of the Lions, the Dark Knight was available for all human characters.

I'm not going to spoil the game for you, if you've got a PSP and a copy of a game, kindly give it a go? :)

"Life is short... Bury! Steady Sword!"

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