Tuesday, April 28, 2015

MH4U: Heavy Bowgun (HBG) Overview!

(Image from MHwikia)

The HBG has the potential for the most damage output out of all the weapons. It may be powerful but it's slow and cumbersome but with proper technique and enough skill and patience to learn, you'll take on anything with this.

Learn the weakpoints of the weapon first and grow from there:

-Slow unsheathing/sheathing
-Can only walk when weapon is out
-Requires bullets leveling from 1~3
-Recoil and Reload knowledge

Okay, though it has some issues we can always cover all of that with proper training and technique.

When choosing a type of HBG, always check what it can do, what bullet type it specializes at, and the amount of rounds it holds per reload. Most of the time you'll be preferring 5~7 shots for pierce level 1,2,3 and add that up with the Load up skill to get more leverage. Since most of the monsters are big, pierce works wonders for them. Also notice the "deviation" the HBG has so that you'll know where the bullet will drift towards to. The Precision +1 and 2  eliminates mild and high deviation respectively so use this if the bullet drift is unbearable for you.

Never forget your ammo when going to quests! Always have an inventory check before leaving. If possible, bring books of combos to combine for more shots. This is great for multiple monster quest to optimize damage output.

You can use pellet shots when soloing but don't use this when playing online with others because this'll flinch fellow hunters leaving them unable to attack.

Recoil is always associated with pierce shots. When the recoil says "average" you'll need the Recoil +1 to eliminate the long delay after shots whilst Recoil +3 is for those that have "very strong" shot recoil (includes Cluster/Crag shots).

"Average" is the one you want for the reload stat because the animation is bearable, not too fast not too slow. It's your choice if you want to get the skill Reload Speed + but I would prefer using those extra skill points on offensive skills i.e. Pierce Up ( Pierce shots x1.1) etc. Utilize ledges for a quick reload and quickly roll out of harms way after that.

Rolling is your best friend to get to key positions for shooting. Evade+ and Evade Distance + skills are helpful for more agile/aggressive play style. With this you can almost always fight with the gun out.

Always attach the power barrel at the forge or if you want to block most attacks, you can use the shield, either way it both helps so do choose one.

Crouch fire (X+A) is good when playing online, you can easily unload 20 shots in just a short time. When someone traps/mounts/flinches the monster, this is the Crouching fire's time to shine. When you roll when your weapon is out, you can press X to quickly go to Crouching fire.

When you remove the limiter for HBG's rarity 6 or higher, it increases the magazine and adds more power but you lose the ability for Crouching fire. Great for soloing and online and you can now reload Wyvern shots (X+A) which are the HBG's version of the Wyvern's Fire. Not as strong as the Gunlance but still a lot of fun to use.

Never forget the importance of status shots, if your HBG can sleep/para use it if the recoil for those shots are bearable. Crag shots can KO monsters if you shoot them in the head enough times and the skill Artillery novice/expert/king speeds up this process and adds more damage (Cluster also included).

Be confident in the art of gunning and have a lot of fun in the process. Don't be intimidated by how low def gunner armors are, just practice on the openings and I'm sure you'll have a better hunt time. Unfold those high powered guns and have a great time! Happy hunting!

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Saturday, April 18, 2015

Relic Weapon! MH4U! (SnS)

Okay, since the start of MH4U I was already informed of these so called "Relics". These are very powerful weapons or armor either gathered or won from guild quests. Yes they take time to grind but when you do get a fairly powerful one, it's all worth it. Recently I've got a pretty good SnS at a level 140 Rajang guild quest. Here are the stats at level 4 which is the maximum upgrade limit possible for relics.

(Image from MHwikia)
Appearance: Chak Chak with a Purple Glow
Sharpness: 40 hits of white or 40 hits worth of purple and 80 hits of white with Sharpness +1
Element: 210 Blast (awakened)
Affinity: +25%
Attack: 406
True attack value: 290
Defense: +20
Slots/Decorations: +5 nimbleness
Rarity: 10

Though it needs Sharpness +1 and Awaken it's still a powerful weapon when used with a proper armor set skill. I've managed to do a Honed Blade set with it and the skills are:

Honed Blade
Razor Sharp
Speed Sharpening/Bombardier

For an SnS set this will truly suffice in any hunt due to its versatility. So grab your weapon and let's do some guild quests shall we? Happy hunting!!

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Sunday, April 12, 2015

MH4U: Dual Swords (DS) Overview!

Dual Swords! One of the fastest weapons that MH4U has to offer. Quick slashes that shreds the monster to pieces. The awesome speed also has disadvantages, having limited weapon range and having to wield two swords at once makes it impossible to block attacks but nonetheless I'll show a list of pros this weapon has for those of you that are interested in a flurry of attacks that does a significant amount of damage in a short period of time.

The Dual Swords has three(3) modes, Normal, Demon and Arch Demon mode.

(Image from MHwikia)

Normal Mode:

-When you unsheathe the weapon you do a dive attack that has super armor which means you can't be interrupted by small attacks or low wind pressure. This is great when you want to avoid the "gusted by the wind" animation that could leave you vulnerable to the next monster attack.

-The X, X, X attack is a strong attack combo though you do move forward quite a bit. The A,A combo on the other hand lets you stay in place and has a better vertical reach. You can do a Dive attack by unsheathing, X+A or even pressing X after A which is the double right slash. The Dive attack is always followed up by the rising upward slash similar to the SnS.

The Normal mode is good but the DS can still do better! That's why it has Demon and Arch Demon mode to compensate for that.

Demon Mode:

-By pressing R you enter Demon mode. During this mode your stamina will deplete fast so make sure that your hits will count as to this will fill up your Arch Demon gauge located at the top left under the stamina bar.

-The Demon mode has a whole new different attacks when compared to normal mode. X,X does a 7 hit attack while A,A now does a double spin attack.

-X+A does the Demon Dance which does a load of damage but has quite a long animation and the strongest hit is the first and last hit. This is best used when the monster is tripped as it will keep you in place allowing you to concentrate on a monster part you want to break or cut off. Oh yeah, this attack also has an innate ESP which prevents you from bouncing off hard skin enemies. (Though will still bounce off apex monsters without the Drive Wystone.)

-A,X does a Tornado spin that does 6 hits and propels you forward. This is good for filling up the Arch Demon gauge. This too has ESP.

-Demon Dash replaces the normal dodge. Demon Dashes are fast paced dodging that can be chained up multiple times depending on your stamina that's why some DS users use Mega Dash/Dash juice to negate stamina depletion but if you're good or comfortable at handling your stamina without it, it's fine either way. The skill Marathon Runner decreases stamina depletion so keep that in mind if you want to substitute that skill for Mega Dash/ Dash juice. You can do a Demon Dash off a cliff to do a special mount attack.

-The optimal evasion skill for DS is just +1 because of the minimal frames that Demon dodge has, meaning you'll have a lot more skill point allotment for offensive skills.

-While in Demon Mode attacks are 15% stronger.

Demon Mode is great! But we still have Arch Demon Mode which is even better!

Arch Demon Mode:

-When the gauge fills up you will start to glow with red aura emanating from your demon awakened status. While in Arch Demon mode, you have a 12% increase in damage. The gauge slowly depletes by itself and even more when you do a dash or use the Mini Demon Dance. So keep an eye on that bar and keep it lit throughout the fight!

-The Dive attack is replaced by the Tornado spin which is way more stronger but eats more sharpness so the skill Razor Sharp is a must!

-Can perform Demon Dash! Like the above stated. This is a higher form of dodging so practice those invincible frames.

-A,A combo can now be extended by pressing A again to do a second spin slash.

-When attacking you can end the combo by doing a Mini Demon Dance (X+A). Though shorter than the real Demon Dance, this finisher still packs a punch but it does consume a bit of the gauge so use this wisely!

-Attacks during this mode are much faster making dodge-combo-dodge easier than before.

*Note that Dual Swords have innate Razor Sharp. This can stack with the skill to help prolong that sharpness bar.

There you have it! Stay in Arch Demon Mode while closing in on the prey and dodge those attacks to exploit more openings! Happy Hunting!

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Thursday, April 2, 2015

MH4U: The Switchaxe (SA) Overview!

The Switchaxe or SA is a weapon that morphs to a Sword and an Axe. Both have their perks and tricks so mastering both axe and sword mode can grant you a versatile approach to a good monster beat down. The axe or the sword can individually be used by themselves but where's the fun in just sticking to one mode?

Let's check the Axe mode first:

(Image from MHwikia)
1. Unsheathing the weapon while moving does a side chop.

2. The Upswing has a lot of vertical range but also sends teammates flying so do be careful. Doing a dodge roll and pressing X can go directly to an Upswing opening up a lot of room for a combo.

3. After the Upswing you can go to either the Side to Side attack (eats up stamina per swing) or the Overhead chop.

4. The Side to Side attack can lead to a strong finisher when the R button is pressed and pressing R again will change it to Sword mode. The Side to Side attack can also be finished with the Overhead chop.

5. The Axe thrust can immediately go to Sword mode when R is pressed.

6. You can run whilst in Axe mode.

7. The frames for the attacks are wide so you can evade at any point of the after attack delay making  great use for the evasion+ skills.

8. The jump attack of Axe mode is equivalent to that of an Overhead chop.

Now that we know the Axe portion well now go to Sword mode also known as ESP mode! Yes it has an innate ESP skill where it prevents your attacks from being deflected by hard monster parts!

Sword mode:

(Image from MHwikia)
1. When unsheathing your weapon press X+A+R to go directly to sword mode.

2. The Sword mode has a new Double Slash. It can be done after the Horizontal slash when X is pressed. This is good for inflicting status or elemental damage and it does quite a hefty amount of raw damage as well.

3. The Double Slash can immediately go to Elemental Burst without any delay (X+A)

4. You can now do the infinite upward and downwards slashes by pressing X,A,X,A... and so on.

5. The coating only affects Sword mode not Axe mode.

-Power - Increases raw damage by 1.20
-Elemental - Increases elemental damage by 1.25
-Status coatings - Boosts status damage.

6. You can go to an Upward slash after a dodge roll.

7. Coatings must be reloaded when the gauge hits below 50%.

8. When jumping of cliffs you can go to Sword mode or even do an Elemental Burst when you hit the ground.

9. The Elemental Burst final hit can be quickly set off by holding the analog stick back while pressing X. Though the damage is a bit lower when you set it off earlier than supposed to.

10. You can go to Axe mode by pressing R after the Horizontal slash.

11. You can only walk whilst in Sword mode.

Note: The Switchaxe cannot block

Hope this guide helps guys! And don't forget to bring whetstones!! Happy Hunting!

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