Sunday, April 12, 2015

MH4U: Dual Swords (DS) Overview!

Dual Swords! One of the fastest weapons that MH4U has to offer. Quick slashes that shreds the monster to pieces. The awesome speed also has disadvantages, having limited weapon range and having to wield two swords at once makes it impossible to block attacks but nonetheless I'll show a list of pros this weapon has for those of you that are interested in a flurry of attacks that does a significant amount of damage in a short period of time.

The Dual Swords has three(3) modes, Normal, Demon and Arch Demon mode.

(Image from MHwikia)

Normal Mode:

-When you unsheathe the weapon you do a dive attack that has super armor which means you can't be interrupted by small attacks or low wind pressure. This is great when you want to avoid the "gusted by the wind" animation that could leave you vulnerable to the next monster attack.

-The X, X, X attack is a strong attack combo though you do move forward quite a bit. The A,A combo on the other hand lets you stay in place and has a better vertical reach. You can do a Dive attack by unsheathing, X+A or even pressing X after A which is the double right slash. The Dive attack is always followed up by the rising upward slash similar to the SnS.

The Normal mode is good but the DS can still do better! That's why it has Demon and Arch Demon mode to compensate for that.

Demon Mode:

-By pressing R you enter Demon mode. During this mode your stamina will deplete fast so make sure that your hits will count as to this will fill up your Arch Demon gauge located at the top left under the stamina bar.

-The Demon mode has a whole new different attacks when compared to normal mode. X,X does a 7 hit attack while A,A now does a double spin attack.

-X+A does the Demon Dance which does a load of damage but has quite a long animation and the strongest hit is the first and last hit. This is best used when the monster is tripped as it will keep you in place allowing you to concentrate on a monster part you want to break or cut off. Oh yeah, this attack also has an innate ESP which prevents you from bouncing off hard skin enemies. (Though will still bounce off apex monsters without the Drive Wystone.)

-A,X does a Tornado spin that does 6 hits and propels you forward. This is good for filling up the Arch Demon gauge. This too has ESP.

-Demon Dash replaces the normal dodge. Demon Dashes are fast paced dodging that can be chained up multiple times depending on your stamina that's why some DS users use Mega Dash/Dash juice to negate stamina depletion but if you're good or comfortable at handling your stamina without it, it's fine either way. The skill Marathon Runner decreases stamina depletion so keep that in mind if you want to substitute that skill for Mega Dash/ Dash juice. You can do a Demon Dash off a cliff to do a special mount attack.

-The optimal evasion skill for DS is just +1 because of the minimal frames that Demon dodge has, meaning you'll have a lot more skill point allotment for offensive skills.

-While in Demon Mode attacks are 15% stronger.

Demon Mode is great! But we still have Arch Demon Mode which is even better!

Arch Demon Mode:

-When the gauge fills up you will start to glow with red aura emanating from your demon awakened status. While in Arch Demon mode, you have a 12% increase in damage. The gauge slowly depletes by itself and even more when you do a dash or use the Mini Demon Dance. So keep an eye on that bar and keep it lit throughout the fight!

-The Dive attack is replaced by the Tornado spin which is way more stronger but eats more sharpness so the skill Razor Sharp is a must!

-Can perform Demon Dash! Like the above stated. This is a higher form of dodging so practice those invincible frames.

-A,A combo can now be extended by pressing A again to do a second spin slash.

-When attacking you can end the combo by doing a Mini Demon Dance (X+A). Though shorter than the real Demon Dance, this finisher still packs a punch but it does consume a bit of the gauge so use this wisely!

-Attacks during this mode are much faster making dodge-combo-dodge easier than before.

*Note that Dual Swords have innate Razor Sharp. This can stack with the skill to help prolong that sharpness bar.

There you have it! Stay in Arch Demon Mode while closing in on the prey and dodge those attacks to exploit more openings! Happy Hunting!

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