Saturday, July 11, 2015

MH4U: My Mixed Armor Sets! Set #3! Power!

This set revolves around my Handicraft +5, Artillery +11 charm and it has a lot of firepower. This set was made to demolish monsters and it doesn't have any defense oriented skills, the main focus this set has is offense! Still using the CB for this one so that I can utilize that Artillery Novice skill and If I can get a lot better at Guard Pointing things'll be a lot easier.

I don't mind that I don't have any Guard +x skills since the overcharged shield's guard is pretty much doable for me in every situation. Since impact phial burst damage are dependent on the raw attack power of the weapon,

I'll use the Ceadeus Regalia since it has an insane amount of raw when honed which gets up to 320 true attack! Since I don't have any raw inclined relic CB the Ceadeus Regalia will do just fine and serve the purpose well enough and more. I couldn't make this set before because the G-rank Silver Rathalos quest was released just recently.

The armor pieces and talisman are:

Ukanlos Mask X - OO
Silver Solmail Z - OOO
Rath Soul Braces Z - O
Garuga Tasset X - O
Silver Solgreaves Z - ---
Miracle Charm - Handicraft +5, Artillery +11 ---

Since it's made out of rarity 9 and 10 armor pieces the total defense it has is high.
Maxed out Defense = 734 (No armor talon/charm)

Elemental Resistance:

Fire +5
Water -18
Thunder -8
Ice -2
Dragon +3

Yeah that water resistance is a nuisance but if you can guard it or move away from it, then we're fine as it is. The rest of the resistance are mostly neutral and doesn't give much threat unlike water. Luckily there are only a handful of monsters that are augmented with water, most of the devastating monsters in MH4U are either fire breathers or addicted to thunder and dragon attacks.

Decorations needed:

Tenderizer +1 Jewel x 2
Expert +1 Jewel x2
Artillery +2 Jewel x3

Skills activated:

Sharpness +1 (10)
Razor Sharp (10)
Critical Eye +3 (20)
Weakness Exploit (10)
Artillery Expert (17)

The Strange thing about this set is that I have 3 free slots coming from the Silver Solmail Z. For now I'll just put in three Artillery jewels since it's the most economic option I have available. Every single hit this armor set connects just spells pain for the monster on the other end. Trip a monster or snipe him every now and then in their weak spot to let that Weakness Exploit kick in and the monster'll be writhing in agony!

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