Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Games News: Monster Hunter Cross (MHX) Hype Train!

A new trailer for Monster Hunter Cross just came out today and if you haven't seen it check it out RIGHT HERE before you go on and proceed reading! Though there is still no news of MHX having a western release, I'm already hyped just by watching the trailer and seeing all the new cool moves and content the game has to offer in only a matter of minutes.

If you guys haven't noticed, I am a massive fan of the Monster Hunter series and I'm thrilled to see how the series has been evolving through time. They keep on adding stuff that makes the game even more better every time!

So what do we expect from MHX? Here is what we can try to figure out by watching the trailer:

1. Well of course new monsters! New monsters are always welcome and so are reappearing monsters! I've got my eyes on you Nargacuga and Amatsu! (You too Elite Four!)

2. Hunting Styles! This gives the players the chance to customize their hunter to use their preferred hunting style along with their preferred hunting arts making our hunters as unique as we players are!

We can confirm that there are four different hunting styles which are:

  • Guild Style - An all rounder kind of style that focuses on how we regularly play the game like previous iterations but with newly added stuff of course. 
  • Aerial Style - Use monsters, bombs, cats, players etc. to catapult yourself up high and strike at foes as you descend! I've seen some aerial style LBG videos and it just looks awesome!
  • Striker Style - This style differs from others as it is almost like the guild style but there are some changes here and there and this style can equip a lot of hunting arts and as an added bonus, the hunting arts meter fill up faster compared to the others!
  • Bushido Style - This style is profoundly unique because with this style you can perform perfect evades/guard! I feel that this style is the one that needs the most practice.

3. When adding new monsters they also add in newly designed armor and armor skills! MH4U had a load of new skills and it was really fun messing around with it especially the armor skill Mushromancer! (Free dash juice! Well, almost free :O)

4. Hunting arts! Flashy skills that do insane amounts of damage as well as other arts that give buffs and healing, kind of like a support type hunting art. I also heard that these arts level up as you progress through the story or as you take on specific quests making them more powerful than ever which is really nice by the way. There are hunting arts that are specific to weapon types and there are independent arts that you can use on any type of weaponry. Mix and match as I say!

5. New maps to explore and maps from previous Monster Hunter titles are back! Oh Yukumo village how I've missed you! MHP3rd days!

6. We can play as Felynes/Palicos or whatever the cats are called in MHX! It's so amusing beating a Buldrome with paw sticks! It's both hilarious and entertainingly satisfying at the same time!

MHX may be a generation four Monster Hunter title but it can surely stand up on its own and it can hold its head up high proudly! Get on the hype train for MHX and let's all hope for a western release so that we can experience this gem of game! Happy hunting!

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