Sunday, November 22, 2015

MH4U: My Top 5 Non-Relic Long Swords! (LS)

1. Fatalis Ascencia

The White Fatalis long sword tops this list due to its shear power, sharpness and element! It's also pretty easy to make because it's a one-craft long sword that only needs White Fatalis materials and an Elder Dragon Gem. Once crafted, you're ready to go hunt monsters that are vulnerable to thunder and you'll do wonders against them.
  • Attack - 891
  • True Attack - 270
  • Element - 690 Thunder
  • Affinity - 0%
  • Sharpness - 10 Hits with white or 90 hits of purple with Sharpness +1
  • Defense - +0
  • Slots - None
  • Rarity - 10

2. Daora's Storm

This LS comes from the Worn Long Sword so good luck getting this beauty! If you have any spare Worn Long Sword inside your inventory, investing some materials in this weapon and upgrading it to its full potential is totally worth it! If you want to imagine just how much power Kushala Daora holds, try this weapon out on ice weak monsters and you'll soon find out!
  • Attack - 891
  • True Attack - 270
  • Element - 530 Ice
  • Affinity - 0%
  • Sharpness - 40 Hits with white or 40 hits of purple with Sharpness +1
  • Defense - +0
  • Slots - Two Slots
  • Rarity - 10

3. Lightbreak Edge

The Brachydios LS! The blast element is a good contender against any monster and on a Long Sword? It'll whittle down the monster's HP so fast it'll drop like a fly. A good balance of raw damage, blast and sharpness makes this one of those weapons you just have to have. You can make this from various long swords but the fastest way to get it is to make the Dios Katana and upgrade from there.
  • Attack - 891
  • True Attack - 270
  • Element - 360 Blast
  • Affinity - 0%
  • Sharpness - 10 Hits with White or 40 hits of purple with Sharpness +1
  • Defense - +0
  • Slots - Two Slots
  • Rarity - 10

4. Le Décalouge

If you want to see a lot of positive critical strikes landing with a hefty amount of dragon element added on a monster using the long sword, then this one was made for you! The Shagaru Magala long sword is both sharp and powerful! It's got a nice balanced ratio of raw and element but one of the most important reason why this is on my list is that it has an innate 45% Affinity! If you do use this, you'll witness a ridiculous amount of critical hits land almost every time.
  • Attack - 792
  • True Attack - 240
  • Element - 300 Dragon
  • Affinity - +45%
  • Sharpness - 120 Hits with white or 60 hits of purple with Sharpness +1
  • Defense - +0
  • Slots - One Slot
  • Rarity - 10

5. Chaos/Loi

Frenzied or Apex monsters will have a tough time with the Chaos Magala long sword. This long sword packs a punch with its insane raw damage and add a bit of dragon element to that and you've got yourself a formidable weapon to wield. Like the Fatalis Ascencia, this too is a one-craft long sword, yep, it's that easy to make! Though you do have to survive the clutches of Chaotic Magala to get the materials *gulp*.
  • Attack - 990
  • True Attack - 300
  • Element - 100 Dragon
  • Affinity - -30%/10%
  • Sharpness - 40 Hits with white or 30 hits of purple with Sharpness +1
  • Defense - +0
  • Slots - Two Slots
  • Rarity - 9

*Do note that the attack values here are the original values they started off with, they aren't honed with attack.

There you have MY top 5 non-relic Long Swords! Don't ever be restricted with this list my fellow hunters, let this be a guide or a baseline to help you know what kind of long swords you'd prefer or like. Craft the ones you want to craft and enjoy the game! Always have fun! 

Thanks for reading and happy hunting!

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