Sunday, May 24, 2015

Games News: No More Tri-Ace

Hey guys, I just read the news that Tri-Ace, the game that spawned great video game series like Star Ocean, Valkyrie Profile and other titles they had, was bought by a mobile company. Yes, bought. I grew up playing their games and made me the person I am today. Their games gave me life lessons that I used throughout my life. Sure they're just video games, but the amount of fondness I grew from their games really made me sad when I read the news.

(Image from
Remember these guys? When we bought our first Playstation back in 1998, our console had this game along with 20 other titles.

I watched my brother play this game and ever since that day, I loved JRPG's. This game was difficult to play as a 7-year old boy so when I grew up, I picked this game again on the Playstation and even played the PSP port. Never did I grew tired playing this classic game. The nostalgia it gives is still in me even today.

Star Ocean the Second Story had numerous endings which gave it a lot of replay value. Those little things they add to the game always made my day, Fun City anyone? If you haven't played this game, kindly give it a go? If you like JRPG's, I'm sure you'll love the Star Ocean series.

There are a lot of games that Tri-Ace was responsible to, they made games that revolutionized a lot of games today which are mostly JRPG's.

Back in 2010, there were rumors about a new installment of Valkyrie Profile where I was excited because that was one my favorite game series of all time. The story was good, gameplay, sound and almost everything else was well on my taste. A story about Hrist would just complete the whole story to fill in all the questions and assumptions we had during the first two installments.

(Image from Gamefaqs)
It's quite sad and disappointing that Valkyrie Profile 3 may never see the light of day, but we are all lucky to have experienced how good the series was.

It was a long road that Tri-Ace had, I'm happy to have been part of their journey. These games will always and shall always be in our heart even as we grow older and we will cherish them forever. I can ramble all day about their games such as Radiata Stories, Resonance of Fate, Infinite Undiscovery and a lot more but needless to say, they were all great titles.

It may be sad but let's just be happy that we got the chance to play these awesome titles that Tri-Ace provided. Thank you for everything, thank you for all the happiness and memories you gave to us. Thank you for making characters that influenced our lives in a good way.

They may be video game characters, but they had a lot more impact than real a person could do to our lives. Farewell my friend, I hope that in the near future you'll make an independent group with a different name but still carry the spirit of Tri-Ace. Goodbye my friend.

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