Friday, May 22, 2015

MH4U: Guild Quest Shenanigans! (Level 136-140 Rajang Solo Part 2)

The battle continues as this time he's level 137! But nonetheless I've changed my armor and weapon as well! I've used my GS hame set (You can check that out here) where I finished the quest in 30 minutes, which is a lot faster than my first hunt with the SnS.

Like the original hunt, I didn't use any traps or anything to keep a good fight! With a lot more practice I could do it in lesser time, if you know where to charge and when to charge is your key point in victory!

(Image from MHwikia)
So here are the armor skills that I've used:

Sheathe Control
Sharpness +1
Critical Draw
Attack Up Small
Trap Master

Since I'm using a raw GS, I carried with me the Force and Drive wystones. The Cera Cymmetry GS works wonders when used correctly and I mostly failed all the quests before I could grind him out.

Took me about 15 tries with the GS so I could feel out every opening I could exploit. I watched some videos on how to beat him with the GS and the tactic that worked the best was to aim at his arms and make him flinch. Knock him out of Apex mode and just wail on him like there's no tomorrow but be careful and keep close.

I still don't have any good Tenderizer talismans, if I had any I'd use that instead of AuS (Attack Up Small) and I'm pretty sure that'll make the quest a bit faster. I was a GS user from MHFU so I still know some old moves and my favorite weapon back then was the Diablos GS which is also the Cera Cymmetry during its time but it was named King Atillart instead (Which by the way sounds a lot cooler).

Soloing him is possible! Some hunters even quit playing MH4U because of him but don't quit just yet! Don't let frustration and anger get the best of you, use your wits and calmness to adjust to the chaos he creates and use that against him! Tag along with me and let's hunt! Happy hunting!

If you've enjoyed reading this, please leave a like/share/comment because it really helps me out. Thanks!

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