Tuesday, May 19, 2015

MH4U: Guild Quest Shenanigans! (Level 136-140 Rajang Solo)

At last! For my honor I've finally soloed an Apex guild quest Rajang! Though it was level 136, I still feel that it was a great achievement in hunting one. It was tiring, relentless and used a lot of focus for it. Took me about 42 minutes! Yes 42 minutes.

Ever since the day an Apex Rajang beat the living daylights out of me, I vowed to myself that I would solo one to regain my honor. Could have beaten him faster if I had a better weapon, preferably a relic and if I had the Tremor Resistance.

(Image from MHwikia)
So here are the armor skills that I've used:

Challenger +2
Honed Blade
Evasion +1
Elemental Attack Up

The weapon I used was Daora's SnS which was named Daora's Maelstrom and used the wystones Drive and Element.

This was a challenge! Of course you could just take him on with a group of people but to me, soloing him was so sweet and I think I've become a lot better reading his movements.

I've seen a lot of videos of him being soloed in like 12-15 mins, I hope I get to that range sometime after a lot more practice and perseverance. Never give up! Just a lot of practice and I'm sure this beast will bow down to you.

Oh yeah, I didn't use any bombs or traps to get a good clean fight. It was just a test of willpower. Next time I'll try to get Razor Sharp or Tremor resist instead of Evasion +1 and Elemental Attack Up. Weakness Exploit would also be nice since he has high hitzones for almost every part.

So that's that for my soloing shenanigans, till next time guys! Happy hunting!

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