Tuesday, May 19, 2015

MH4U: Hunting Horn (HH) Overview!

(Image from MHwikia)
The Hunting Horn! A weapon that does a lot of exhaust damage and KO as well! Some overlook it as a weapon only used for its buffs but to an expert HH user, he/she can turn it into a devastating weapon.

Never forget to play the Double White note as this is your self buff and doing it twice will make your attacks bounce less on hard monster parts so always try and notice if the effect isn't activated anymore. Without the Double White, you'll just be moving so slow, but with the Double White activated, you'll be as fast or even faster than the movement of an SnS user!

When compared to the Hammer, the HH is stronger in terms of exhaust damage which means you'll be making monsters fatigue faster the more times you hit it on the head. Remember that fatigued monsters lasts longer on traps which means more damage can be dealt in just a single trap! The fatigue status on monsters give off "tired"openings so always take advantage of that and pound away to get a good KO.

Know the songs of the HH you're using because the song it has differs from every other HH. Check out the songs and pick which of those would benefit you most in certain situations. The buffs except for the Double White, affect the whole hunting party!

These are just examples of  how awesome the buffs the HH has:

  • Attack Up
  • Defense Up
  • High/Low Grade Earplugs
  • Infinite Stamina
  • Max HP up
  • Healing
  • Sonic Bomb effect
  • Negate mud/snow
  • Negate Blights
  • Raise certain element tolerance
  • Wind Proof
Just by looking at the song effect the HH has, you'll know how big of an impact it has in a hunt and you can even extend the effects using the skill Horn Maestro! The HH has no guard but it contemplates with it's vast array of buffs so don't forget to sing those cool tunes during monster openings.

*The attacks of the HH always have super armor*

The HH is like a support, high DPS weapon capable of many things. Don't be affected by what others say about your preferred weapon, like the HH, many people think the HH is a weapon only used for its buffs but in fact, the buffs are just the extension of the HH itself. Hope I've helped you in giving a good look at the HH, if so, grab one and let's sing to victory. Happy hunting!

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