Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Games News: Monster Hunter Cross! MHX! (3DS)

The Monster Hunter community exploded when they heard that there was a new Monster Hunter game for Japan set to be released this year. The footage of the game titled Monster Hunter Cross, yes cross not x, seemed that it had four different towns that you could explore including the return to Yukumo, Pokke and previous towns from older Monster Hunter titles.

New areas for hunting have been added where it gives a prehistoric feeling or vibe. Returning maps also seem to be in it such as the Yukumo village misty mountain. No new weapon was added but a lot of variation for weapon customization was included.

The trailer portrayed new flashy moves from the 14 different weapons the game has and from the producers they said that you could customize or personalize your weapon from choosing four different play styles.

I guess they wanted to add more depth to the game by making a lot of weapon modification and the freedom to choose which style would suit you better. I've got mixed feelings from this game as it seems that it's the son of MH4U and MHO and it is a main Monster Hunter Title to begin with.

I loved the Monster Hunter series because of its simplicity to just grab any type of weapon and start a quest with but I'll give this game a go if it does reach the west and gets translated to English. It still retains the vertical mechanics from MH4U so mounting seems to be in it and some attacks that was seen from the footage included aerial assault (like the one the GS did).

I don't know if there's any G-rank but with or without it, this game will still get a lot of attention from fans alike. MH4U was just released this February and we're still in awe on how great the game is and then in less than four months another MH title graces the 3DS, what is this?! An early Christmas gift?! Nonetheless I'll take it! If it doesn't have an English port I'll respect their decision but with the success of MH4U I think it'll have a chance to be localized. Finger crossed and hope to play this game in the future! Happy hunting!

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