Thursday, June 4, 2015

MH4U: Guild Quest Shenanigans! (Level 136-140 Rajang Solo Part 3)

Okay! Part three of my gruesome solo adventures against an Apex Rajang! This time he's level 138. Since I'm new to using the CB, it took quite some time to get used to the attacks and by the time I got used to it, I think I'll stick with the CB for a bit.

It's got a lot of cool attacks and also mastering Guard Point is so rewarding. The quest lasted for 33 minutes before I defeated him but do note that it took me A LOT of tries before taking him down and I mean A LOT. If you could only see my guild card it's all full of "Abandoned Quest Level 138 Rajang" about a hundred of those. I am not kidding when I say a hundred because that is the amount of time I spent trying to find ways outsmarting this overpowered beast!

So here are the armor skills I've used:

Honed Blade
Weakness Exploit
Evasion +1
Elemental Atk Up

I'm a fan of evasion and mix this up with good timings with Guard Point and you'll take this guy out surely!

I used Daora's Thwartoise but due to my low stock of Strong Armor Spheres, I couldn't hone it for attack. You could say that this could have gone quicker if I had that great +20 more attack. I would have also used the Challenger +2 skill but I lacked the appropriate talismans for it.

With the number of times I failed beating him I knew I had to step up my game, I had doubted myself if I could even beat him with the CB. A lot of headaches and hardships later I finally gave his sleeping head a good Ultra Burst to finish the quest.

It was a much better feeling than the first time I beat him because all of the pain of going through a whole new weapon and adapting to this guy's behavior with it, made me more confident with the CB and ultimately use it as a sub-main weapon of choice.

 One of my favorite moments was knocking him out of Apex mode with a Guard Point. Boy was it such a good Guard Point! Don't ever give up guys! A big thanks to Alice-99Th's video of taking down a 140 Apex Rajang with the Akantor Severance CB which gave me a lot of techniques and ideas to handle my own Apex Rajang soloing.

This guy's video is awesome, took down the Rajang in under 13 minutes! Way faster than my time but for me, a victory is a victory. It was tiring but worth every single ounce of frustration. Hold your head up high hunter! Don't ever doubt yourself like I did! Perseverance is the key! Happy hunting!

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