Saturday, June 6, 2015

Relic Weapon! MH4U! (2nd SnS)

Okay, I thought you could only get beshackled weapons if the quest was level 130 or over, I got a new rarity 10 relic SnS from a level 128 Brachydios and Rajang guild quest. I was only helping a friend level up the guild quest and I was mainly after graven charms and strong armor spheres but it would seem that I got a bonus weapon instead. I've tried to grind a good SnS relic back then but failed to do so, and at such an unexpected level of a quest, I got what could possibly be a good SnS! There are tons and tons more powerful relics out there but this should serve you as a baseline for a good relic SnS.

Appearance: Frost Edge with a purple glow.
Sharpness: 30 hits of white or 30 hits worth of purple and 60 hits of white with Sharpness +1
Element: 310 Fire
Affinity: 0%
Attack: 434
True attack value: 310
Defense: Initial +25 maxing out its level bumps it up to +70
Slots/Decorations: 3 slots
Rarity: 10

The armor skills that I'll be using this with are:

Honed Blade
Razor Sharp
Weakness Exploit
Evasion +1

It's got insane defense once you invest the points in it. Since I like to use Honed Blade sets I'll put this weapon up to add to my arsenal of elemental SnS. I've been lacking a good fire SnS lately and guess what, this will do more than what I expected. I'f you've got a friend that needs help in leveling up a guild quest, go for it if you've got the time, never know when one of these bad will boys pop up.

I'm practicing using the CB at the moment but of course I'll always come back to the SnS. Seems kinda strange that it looks like an ice/water weapon but instead it's fire elemental but nonetheless relics are relics and I guess it'll keep me amused during the hunt with it's fiery attacks. Help other hunters! It pays of quite well sometimes and you're doing them a great deal of favor. Happy hunting guys!

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