Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Relic Weapon! MH4U! (Greatsword, GS)

From a level 140 dual monster quest involving a Rajang and a Yian Kut-ku comes a Greatsword of debilitating status! I think I'm getting lucky with all these relics these past few days, I hope I'm not disturbing the cosmic balance of Monster Hunter in any way but nonetheless luck is still luck and a bit of RNG on my side isn't a bad thing at all! I think this will be my first GS relic that I think I'll invest into. I've been recently getting relics that increases its defense when you level them up, could be a sign but I don't know, I'll still get what I can take from the rewards of course. Okay! Here are the stats:

Appearance: Jawblade with an orange glow.
Sharpness: 30 hits of white or 60 hits worth of purple and 60 hits of white with Sharpness +1
Element: 400 Paralyze
Affinity: 0%
Attack: 1536
True attack value: 320
Defense: Initial +5 maxing out its level bumps it up to +50
Slots/Decorations: +4 Nimbleness
Rarity: 10

Great weapon for online! The paralyze helps a ton when going in groups and with the new skill Sheathe Control you can also KO monsters as if you were using a hammer! If you think about how slow the GS is and that it's not good for status applications, well 400 paralyze might just change your opinion about that. I'll just use this GS with my hame set and the skills for that are:

  • Sheath Control
  • Sharpness +1
  • Critical Draw
  • Focus
  • Attack Up Small

It's got a lot of raw, status and if invested for the defense upgrade, I think I'll be having a grand time using this. I was thinking of making a hybrid set for this involving Crit Draw, Status Crit, Focus, Sharpness +1 and if possible a Status Atk +1/2 but for the time being my hame set will do just fine. I'll try to mix things up so that I'll make use of the versatility this GS has! Let's take on some 140 guild quests guys! I'm up for it! Happy hunting!

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