Monday, June 15, 2015

Relic Weapon! MH4U! (Long Sword, LS)

I've finally got my first LS relic that I would consider to use! Got it from a level 140 Teostra and it's got some awesome stats to start with! This relic I got raises defense when leveled up so I guess I've got to get some points in or I could just use it immediately because defense relics really don't bother me much because I rely on evasion and the like. Okay! Enough talk! Here are the stats:

Appearance: Netherblade with a blue glow.
Sharpness: 30 hits of white or 30 hits worth of purple and 60 hits of white with Sharpness +1
Element: 450 Thunder
Affinity: 10%
Attack: 1043
True attack value: 310
Defense: Initial +5 maxing out its level bumps it up to +50
Slots/Decorations: +4 Nimbleness
Rarity: 10

Insane thunder element makes it great for monsters weak to thunder! I'll just have to use my generic blademaster armor set skills for this LS. Back in MH3U, this was my favorite LS in the game and I'm very happy that I got it with its original element regardless of the randomness of relic gear. I don't use the LS much in MH4U but I'll give this monster of a weapon a go just to spice up and change my hunting style for a while. Oh yeah, if you don't know my generic blademaster armor skills, here they are:

Honed Blade
Razor Sharp
Weakness Exploit
Evasion +1

If I do get a good thunder charm, I'd try to get it bumped up for elemental damage or maybe even a good mix of Challenger +2 and Honed Blade. The potential of skills that this relic's good for is endless, just don't forget to invest the points in Sharpness +1 or Honed Blade and you're good to go!

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