Friday, July 17, 2015

MH4U: The Star Knight Blademaster Armor!

There are a few full armor sets in the whole Monster Hunter franchise that fascinate me and leave me in awe, a simple example of one of my all time favorite full armor set is the Golden Shin armor from MHFU, but in MH4U comes one of the most wanted full armor set of the game, the Star Knight armor!

As you know, I'm a fan of armor mixing which gets me the specific skills that I want but sometimes it just doesn't look good after you combine all the pieces and it kind of bugs me in a little way too.

But this armor set is just plain cool and fancy! The Star Knight armor doesn't just look good but the skill and the amount of slots it has is just absurd! Just look at it!

Star Knight Helm - OOO 
Star Knight Mail - O
Star Knight Vambraces - OOO
Star Knight Coil - O
Star Knight Greaves - OOO

Look at all those empty slots, 17 in total, you can gem in pretty much any skill you want. The innate skills it has are also good having Challenger +2, Rodeo God (A great skill for those that love to mount) and Steady Hand which is a compound skill of Razor Sharp and Mind's Eye! 

The armor even has 4 point towards Handicraft so getting that Sharpness +1 is easy if you've got the right talisman for it, or you could just gem in two Handicraft +3 jewels which is much easier if you don't have a good handicraft charm for the time being.

It not only looks good but since all the armor pieces are rarity 10, the maximum defense it has is through the roof! The initial defense is 500 but if you bump it up to the maximum limit it gets up to 755 without armor talons/charm!

Some of you may be thinking that "The defense may be high but I'm guessing that the elemental resistance it has isn't as good!" well surprise, surprise! The armor has +5 resistance to ALL the elements, yep, it's just that good my fellow hunter. 

I don't mind having to look like other players if we're wearing this armor set, I'll just think that we're part of the Star Knight army and we're ready to mow down monsters with our elegant but brutal armor set.

Plus we all have different armor skills that we want to work with this set. I, for one, will use this for my CB which mainly focuses on offensive moves. These are my skills:

Steady Hand
Sharpness +1
Challenger +2
Weakness Exploit
Rodeo God
Artillery Novice

Come on man, just look at those skills! It's just one of many variations that the Star Knight armor has! There are a lot of overpowered charms out there just waiting to be paired with this full set! It's all up to you and your choices! If you haven't gotten this set, I advise you to get it because it is more than worth it.

Oh yeah, in case if you're wondering what talisman I have with those skills, it's a Handicraft +5, Artillery +11 charm. With that charm you just need two Tenderizer +4 jewel, two Tenderizer +1 jewel and one Handicraft +1/2/3 charm and your good to go! Happy hunting!

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