Saturday, July 18, 2015

Nostalgic Gaming: Resident Evil 2!

One of my favorite PSX games of all time that I love replaying over and over again. Clever puzzle solving with a bunch of face eating zombies set on a post zombie apocalyptic scenario? What more could you ask for!

The thing I truly remember most, believe it or not, is the sound when you select items and go around items in the item menu box. The boop boop beep beep sound it makes really made a mark in my mind and it just seemed to stay there ever since and I know that I'm not the only one who has that Resident Evil item menu sound syndrome (You guys know who you are!). If a remake were to happen I wish they'd retain the item menu sounds because that by itself would give me nostalgia goosebumps.

Enough of the sound bit and let's get on to the game!

There are two playable characters in the main game and both have their own unique scenario you have to choose from. Well it doesn't really matter which one you choose because you're probably going to finish all possible scenarios this game has because it's that good.

As with every Resident Evil game you start with the humble but useful Handgun and Combat Knife which is like a mainstay for every iteration of the game but don't worry about that because as the story progresses you'll find out that there are a lot of weapons that'll be pretty handy in surviving.

Each of the characters have their own arsenal of weapons like Claire has access to the Grenade Launcher, Crossbow and other stuff whilst Leon on the other hand has the ability to customize his weapons with their respective upgrade which makes sense due to the fact that he's a cop, and also because of their difference, they have a sense of uniqueness and character depth that they deserve.

This game doesn't hold back on grotesqueness, all of the enemies that you encounter in this game are either rotting zombies or mutated rotting zombies that are all hell bent on killing you. Yep, just a bunch of cannibals I tell you! But it's all fun and exciting at the same time!

This game deserves a revival of some sort! Bringing new stuff into the game to give it a fresh lick of paint whilst retaining all the other things that we loved about it in the first place. This REmake would be well received by fans and it'll give more life to the series even more! A trip to the Raccoon Police Department again please!

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