Friday, August 21, 2015

MH4U! My Mixed Armor Sets! Set #6! Divine Guidance!

When I was checking out my inventory I saw a Prayer +4, Gloves Off +7 OO talisman and I thought to myself "hey, I've never tried mixing this yet." and so I looked at some armor pieces that had some points in prayer and then poof! My Divine Guidance set was made!

Why was it named that way? Because this armor set revolves around the skill Benediction which is a new and cool compound armor skill that was just introduced in MH4U.

What I mostly do when I mix sets is that I tend to to focus more on offensive skills and I forget to get some defensive skills for those unwanted situations that commonly happen during hunts. I'm very pleased with this set, because I managed to achieve well rounded skills both offensively and defensively.

The armor pieces and talisman are:

Arc Helm X - O
Arc Mail X - OO
Braces of Rage - ---
Esurient Faulds Z - ---
Grand Yamato Gusoku - ---
Miracle Charm - Prayer +4, Gloves Off +7 OO

Since it's made out of rarity 10 armor pieces, it's got top tier defense ratings.
Maxed out Defense = 753 (No armor talon/charm)

Elemental Resistance:

Fire -3
Water +10
Thunder -1
Ice +3
Dragon -22

That -22 dragon resistance is a real eye sore but everything else is fine by me. If I do accidentally bring this armor set to dragon type monsters, I'll be thrice as cautious as normal because a good Stygian Zinogre body slam or a Devil Jho Dragon breath would pretty much kill me instantaneously.

Decorations needed:

Tenderizer +1 Jewel x3
Expert +3 Jewel x1

Skills activated:

Latent Power +2 (15)
Sharpness +1 (11)
Benediction (11)
Weakness Exploit (10)
Critical Eye +1 (10)

I like to use this set when I solo or when I grind for Caravan points via expedition. This set can do damage just fine and can also take some hefty hits which makes it a bit of a DPS tank or somewhere down that line.

I had a lot of curiosity with the Benediction skill and much to my luck I have a bunch of Prayer charms that were just lying inside my storage. It's a pretty nice skill to have and it sometimes even saves me from fatal blows because of its Divine Protection and Recovery Up.

I'll try to make more sets with the new skills that MH4U has, like a Shield Bearer GL, Lance and CB build. There's still a bunch more skills out there that I would love to experiment and mix them with different types of skills.

There's more to hunting than just sticking to offensive skills. Sure there are skills that are only good for certain situations, but if you do use them correctly, the hunt will be so much easier. It takes time to make armor sets that are good for specific monsters but it's all worth it. For example, a Gravios hunt would be a lot less tedious and frustrating if you were Lancing him with the Guard Up skill.

Those small little things truly add up to make a bigger and better outcome.

Thank you for checking out my mix sets and have fun doing yours. Happy hunting!

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