Monday, September 7, 2015

MH4U: My Top 5 Non-Relic Dual Blades!

1. Twinbane Twilight

On my top spot lies one of my favorite DB! This dragon/blast DB will make short work of monsters weak to dragon. High elemental damage along with its excellent raw makes this a formidable foe to everything that would stand in its way. You can craft this one using Fatalis and Crimson Fatalis materials.
  • Attack - 420
  • True Attack - 300
  • Element - 310 Blast / 370 Dragon
  • Affinity - 0%
  • Sharpness - 60 hits with white or 90 hits with purple with Sharpness +1
  • Defense - +0
  • Slots - Three Slots
  • Rarity - 10

2. Chameleos Blades

DB are very good when applying status damage because of how ridiculously fast the swings are. The Chameleos Blades has got to be the best non-relic poison DB that MH4U has, it has a staggering 420 poison value, and a nice amount of raw as well. You can start making this from the Dual Battleaxe and upgrade it to the max using Chameleos, Iodrome, Nerscylla and Gypceros materials.
  • Attack - 392
  • True Attack - 280
  • Element - 420 Poison
  • Affinity - 0%
  • Sharpness - 120 hits with white or 90 hits with purple with Sharpness +1
  • Defense - +0
  • Slots - No Slots
  • Rarity - 10

3. Doomfang Envoys

How savage are these DB? As savage as the the Devil Jho! It's got the earth shaking raw power of the Devil Jho and the lust for battle like the Savage Jho. Insane attack damage along with an innate 10% affinity is just too good to pass up. Though it needs awaken to unlock the dragon element it has, it's nothing but a small price to pay for a more beneficiary cause. This is the final form of the Wrath and Rancor DB.
  • Attack - 434
  • True Attack - 310
  • Element - 280 Dragon (Needs Awaken)
  • Affinity - 10%
  • Sharpness - 30 hits with white or 30 hits with purple with Sharpness +1
  • Defense - +0
  • Slots - No Slots
  • Rarity - 10

4. Ultimus Apocalypse

I know some hunters don't like the dual element DB, but for me, the Ultimus Apocalypse is a nice well rounded weapon that inflicts insane amounts of damage because of it's high raw and elemental values. Also notice its sharpness when you give it the Sharpness +1 skill, that's a lot of purple hits. Fatalis and White Fatalis parts are needed along with an Elder Dragon Gem to make this DB.
  • Attack - 406
  • True Attack - 290
  • Element - 360 Thunder / 410 Dragon
  • Affinity - 0%
  • Sharpness - 30 hits with white or 120 hits with purple with Sharpness +1
  • Defense - +0
  • Slots - No Slots
  • Rarity - 10

5. Lightbreak Twins

You can never go wrong with a good blast DB. It makes so much explosion damage in such a short time. The Lightbreak Twins which is the Brachydios DB, is a good all purpose DB that you can bring to almost any hunt. The stats are well balanced and it'll serve you very well. It's so easy to break parts and make monsters flinch more with blast weapons especially DB.
  • Attack - 378
  • True Attack - 270
  • Element - 300 Blast
  • Affinity - 0%
  • Sharpness - 120 hits with white or 60 hits with purple with Sharpness +1
  • Defense - +0
  • Slots - Two Slots
  • Rarity - 10

*Do note that the attack values here are the original values they started off with, they aren't honed with attack.

There you have my top 5 non-relic DB! Some of you may agree on them and some may disagree, that's okay because that's normal. We all have our own preferences, what I hope to achieve with this list is to help you guys make a decision when crafting DB, may this list serve as a stat baseline for you guys to compare other DB with. Hunt, craft and enjoy!

Happy hunting!

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