Sunday, October 4, 2015

Relic Weapon! MH4U! (2nd Greatsword, GS)

The GS! It's been quite some time since I got my first notable relic GS and now after a lot of high level guild quest hunts, I've got a pretty nice raw-inclined one but sadly due to the amount of quests it's taken me to get it, I forgot to write it down on my notes so now I don't know what specific level or monster I got it from. Nonetheless here is my newest addition to my array of GS!

Appearance: Bolt
Sharpness: 30 hits of white or 30 hits worth of purple and 90 hits of white with Sharpness +1
Element: 720 Water when awakened
Affinity: -25% or -10% when upgraded to the max
Attack: 1680
True attack value: 350
Defense: +0
Slots/Decorations: Prudence +4
Rarity: 9

I was quite hesitant to polish this one because the difference between the honed for attack Cera Cymmetry and this is rather too close but since we're talking about Great swords, every bit of raw damage is always a big help in the long run. The water is ridiculously high if you take into consideration of awakening it.

True armor spheres are rather difficult to farm in MH4U, I seem to only get them on level 100-120 guild quests and these armor spheres are important in upgrading rarity 9-10 relics, though it only needs three pieces to upgraded it once, try thinking of polishing and upgrading multiple relics!

Prudence is a nice skill but it's not a priority for Great swords but one day maybe I'll try to experiment and make it part of my skill set once I get a rather specific charm for it. If you guys ever wondered what 10 points of Prudence does is it gives the skill Fleet Feet which is Evade Distance Up and Peak Performance.

30 hits worth of purple is a lot for a GS because you won't be spamming attacks, GS is all about that level 3 charge and a bit of draw attacks mixed in. One of my favorite skills for GS is Sheathe Control, it's a nice convenient skill to have but sometimes I worry because I think I rely too much on it and it limits me on making a more offensive oriented GS sets.

This'll be a nice upgrade from the Cera Cymmetry though I will miss the look that Cera has, come on! it's MHFU's King Atillart Sword! One of my most memorable and most used weapon in MHFU!

Nonetheless this GS will serve me well like Cera did and maybe even more. If ever I get another piece of relic worth keeping I'll keep you guys updated so that you know what kind of relics are worth polishing, because polishing relics is both time consuming and expensive in terms of zeny and caravan points.

Have a nice day guys! Happy hunting!

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