Monday, October 5, 2015

Relic Weapon! MH4U! (4th SnS)

Golden Falchion! One of the coolest looking SnS in the history of Monster Hunter! In MH4U the Golden Falchion has a bit of change in it's appearance, don't worry cause the change it has makes it look more fiery and more intimidating than ever before. SnS relics named Golden Falchion don't look like the regular Golden Falchion but takes the appearance of the Platinum Dawn which is more awesome if you ask me! It's like the rage of Silver Rathalos and Golden Rathian combined into one SnS! Now you're wondering why I'm blabbering about the Golden Falchion right? It's because the relic I got has this appearance and it has some nice stats to compliment it as well.

Appearance: Golden Falchion/Annular Sol radiating with a blue aura
Sharpness: 90 hits of white or 90 hits worth of purple and 90 hits of white with Sharpness +1
Element: 200 Blast
Affinity: 0%
Attack: 378 or 420 when fully upgraded
True attack value: 270-300
Defense: +20
Slots/Decorations: Prudence +5
Rarity: 10

If I remember correctly I got this from a 140 Shagaru Magala whom by the way is my favorite Elder dragon to fight (Teostra second of course, he'll always be in my list of favorite monsters to fight). Since it's got incredible Sharpness with Honed Blade/Sharpness +1, Razor Sharp is just an option and therefore I can make use of some other skills. By the way guys, this is my default weapon in my DoomShroom set, so much explosions, damage and support all in one set!

Blast is a nice all around element to use against pretty much any monster, the Blast value in this SnS may be lower than most weapons that you can forge at the smithy, for example Lightbreak Sword and the True Ruiner Sword are well balanced in both raw and blast values but this SnS relic can go toe to toe with them due to it's incredible sharpness and added defense.

Prudence or when activated, Fleet Feet, is either a love or hate relationship with the SnS. As an SnS user like myself I've grown accustomed to the normal/default distance that an evasive roll has so for me, when I use Fleet Feet I sometimes get thrown off my rhythm due to the distance traveled in just one roll, maybe I haven't had enough practice with it but Fleet Feet is a cool skill to have if properly used. The Peak Performance skill is a nice skill to have if you're good at evading but if the monster does so much chip damage via turning around or moving towards you, you're better off without it.

+20 defense may not sound much but when you're hunting level 136-140 monsters, every bit of defense helps because most monsters around that level can 1-2 shot you even if you have maxed out G rank armor. Gunners/Archers are even more fragile due to the lack of defense their armor has, so I salute all the gunners/archers out there who tackle these monsters with unwavering courage.

There you have another addition to my arsenal of notable relics! May you also be lucky to get an even better relic than this! Don't worry if you're having trouble with high level quests, they are truly hard and difficult to beat even with a team of four hunters, practice is the essence of Monster Hunter so go out there and hunt! Happy hunting!

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