Sunday, November 29, 2015

MH4U! My Mixed Armor Sets! Set #8! Heat Source!

Heat Source! This is a my fire elemental mixed armor set that's sure to do justice against monsters susceptible to fire. I like to use this armor set for speedy melee weapons such as the SnS, preferably the Annular Sol or use fire relic DBs that have an enormous amount of purple sharpness when paired with Sharpness +1 or Honed Blade.

*Purple sharpness weapons give out the most bonus damage to elemental attacks, a multiplier of 1.2, so yeah, you're doing 20% more damage with your elemental attacks.*

I like the fact that the armor comes in a nice fiery red color, it just matches the way it looks and how it works. The reason why I made this set is because I hunt a lot of Chameleos and I thought to myself, why not make a set that exploits his fire weakness and tadah!! Heat Source was born! This set does need an Edgemaster +4 relic chest piece so search your inventory thoroughly because you might have one unnoticed. Okay, on to the set itself and what other armor pieces it needs!

The armor pieces and talisman are:

White Fatalis Head - ---
Esurient Armor - Edgemaster +4
Silver SolBraces Z - OO
Silver SolCoil Z - OO
Rathalos Greaves X - O
Miracle Charm - Sharpness +7 OOO

Since it's made out of rarity 9-10 armor pieces, it's got top tier defense ratings.
Maxed out Defense = 754 (No armor talon/charm)

Elemental Resistance:

Fire +5
Water -12
Thunder -10
Ice -2
Dragon +0

Nothing too alarming in terms of elemental resistances, nothing above -20 so it's all good and manageable. A heavy water or thunder attack may hurt a lot but it'll still leave you in one piece.

Decorations needed:

Fire Attack +3 Jewel x2
Fire Attack +1 Jewel x1
Expert +1 Jewel x2
Sharpness +1 Jewel x1

Skills activated:

Honed Blade (10)
Razor Sharp (10)
Fire Atk +3 (20)
Critical Eye +1 (10)

Honed Blade is probably the best blademaster skill out there for weapons that need Sharpness +1, not only does it boost the sharpness bar by one level it also gives Attack Up L! I put in Razor Sharp to get more out of the purple bar and maximize the elemental damage output and to top it off, it has Fire Atk +3!

Fire Atk +3 gives a massive boost to fire elemental weapons! An Annular Sol that has 350 fire will become 490! Elemental damage at those amounts for a speedy weapon is absurd and just think about what high element relics can do, it's just evil I tell you.

The Critical Eye +1 is a bonus feature because the set gives +8 expert and it has a couple of free slots to gem in some expert decorations. Extra offensive skills are always welcomed!

If you haven't tried some heavy elemental damaging blademaster set, then give this one a go, it might give a liking to your taste. Give it an honest try and I promise you, you'll have a lot of fun hunting with Heat Source.

Thank you for checking out my mix sets and have fun doing yours. Happy hunting!

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