Thursday, June 20, 2024

I'm back!

What's up yoooo! It's been quite a while, eh?

So yeah, I've been busy writing my books and just recently, I managed to publish my very first one. It's pretty amazing what hard work and persistence can do. Just give in the time and effort, as doubts will always be there, but use that doubt to propel yourself forward, not hinder you and stop you.

Use that negative surge and harness it positively. Dunno if that makes any sense, but that's what I did and it kinda worked. Well, it truly did work and it's pretty cool to see your work out in the public. Sharing a story you want to tell to others that is. I hope my creation reaches out to more people.

I want my book to connect to others and resonate with them, as the characters are human too. Making mistakes, struggles, the pressure of everyday life, yup, they all got those too. Despite them being in a world present with magick, they still display their traits of being human.

Well. that's that. If you stumble upon this page or blog of mine, then that in itself is enough.

Take care now, will ya?

Peace out!

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