Friday, July 31, 2015

MH4U: My Mixed Armor Sets! Set #4! Honed Blade!

This is the armor set that I've used a lot with different weapons. It's got a good mix of offensive and defensive skills and the armor pieces themselves have high defenses.

I got lucky with the edgemaster +4 chest piece here because this was really hard to come by for me for quite some time and I'm very happy that I eventually got one.

This armor set was one of those sets that I set out to get from the very beginning of the game and once I completed it, it's served me well enough and more.

When I don't know which armor set to take to a hunt, this is what I usually pick. This is kind of my generic set that can go with any hunt and with any weapon equipped, well maybe not the GS but most weapons for that matter.

The armor pieces and talisman are:

Zinogre Helm X - OO
Esurient Armor - Edgemaster +4
Kujula Grip - O
Grand Divine Ire Obi - OO
Vangis Greaves X - OOO
Creator Talisman - Mounting +6, Evasion +7 OOO

Since it's made out of rarity 9 and 10 armor pieces the total defense it has is high.
Maxed out Defense = 746 (No armor talon/charm)

Elemental Resistance:

Fire +5
Water -7
Thunder +3
Ice -5
Dragon +3

The elemental resistances are almost near neutral and this makes it great for all purpose hunts. Nothing will sting too much if you get hit by an elemental attack but since there's that evasion skill, why not just roll away from harms way?

Decorations needed:

Evasion +3 Jewel x1
Sharpness +1 Jewel x1
Tenderizer +1 Jewel x2
Tenderizer +4 Jewel x2

Skills activated:

Honed Blade (10)
Razor Sharp (10)
Weakness Exploit (10)
Evasion +1 (10)

Evasion +1 is optional for the CB but for some weapons it can be an easy way of getting through attacks and punishing the monster right after. SnS, DB, LS, SA, Hammer, HH even the Lance and GL are compatible with this set since it has no specialization in any specific weapon.

Honed Blade has got to be the best blademaster skill there is assuming that the sharpness bar of the weapon isn't maxed out already. Attack Up L and Sharpness +1? And add in Razor Sharp for more purple hits? Yes, sir!

I know I'm kind of obsessed with the purple sharpness theme but come on, that 1.45 multiplier is so hard to resist! There are tons and tons of Honed Blade sets out there, this set is a simple one compared to the others but this one is special to me because it's helped me in a lot of post G-rank hunts.

May we all be blessed with luck on finding relics and charms! Happy hunting!

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