Friday, July 31, 2015

Nostalgic Gaming: Resident Evil 3: Nemesis!

Okay! If zombies from Resident Evil weren't enough, Capcom decides to make Nemesis! A relentless boss of some sort that chases you and makes you decide if you want to run away and save ammo, or, you can fight him to reap the rewards which are only available and exclusive in hard mode.

My favorite weapon in Resident Evil 3 has got to be the Grenade Launcher. It's got 4 types of grenades you can put in and all of them are useful throughout the game! But my favorite grenade type has got to be the freeze rounds because it just wreaks Nemesis' health and it slows him down a bit.

The only bad thing about the grenade launcher is that Nemesis can dodge the rounds you fire at him but if you're 4-5 feet away from him, it's pretty much a guaranteed hit. Just dodge his attacks and punish him with a round or two and everything'll be fine.

If compared to the previous game, this one's much shorter and only has one scenario but for me the replay value for this game is fun and rewarding at the same time due to the fact that every time you go through the game, you get progressively better and see different ways on how to play it.

Shotguns, Handguns, Magnum and a lot of other weapons are in the game for you to play around, just be sure that your gun has some bullets in it, hate to see you shooting blank of course but it's happened to me back then and it's a common thing for beginners.

But with the amount of guns the game has, it also has a lot of different enemies, ranging from zombies to decapitating hunters, so have fun dealing with those guys!

I've played a lot of Resident Evil 3 but I've never had the chance to get an A rank, the highest I got was B and it seems that healing with a mixed herb reduces a lot of your points.

I did a run where I skipped Nemesis fights to reduce the damage received and save time to get an A rank but I still got a B rank.

This game just pushes you to the limit!

If I get the chance to play this game again I'll aim for the A rank as it'll be my Resident Evil 3 goal!

If you haven't played Resident Evil 3 back then, don't worry, It's never too late to play this awesome classic game. Though the tank controls can sometimes be a nuisance to new comers but it's all good in the end.

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