Friday, July 31, 2015

Relic Weapon! MH4U! (3rd SnS)

With my latest solo encounter with a level 139 Rajang, I got an ice relic SnS that's got a lot of stats and good sharpness. I used the SnS a lot back when I was just on low rank and it was the weapon that carried me through out G-rank and post G-rank.

The SnS is the one that I've got the most usage of, about 500+ I think. I love the SnS but sometimes you need to practice other weapon types to expand your hunting skills and give the game more depth to it.

Though I use the CB frequently nowadays, I'll always go back to the good old SnS from time to time for some high speed strikes and just annoying the monster with it. Here are the stats for my latest addition in SnS relics:

Appearance: Red Giltanas Epee
Sharpness: 30 hits of white or 30 hits worth of purple and 60 hits of white with Sharpness +1
Element: 310 Ice
Affinity: 10% or 25% when upgraded
Attack: 406
True attack value: 290
Defense: +20
Slots/Decorations: one slot
Rarity: 9

It's pretty much the whole package. Purple sharpness, with 20 defense and 25% affinity and add the high attack value it has? It's unnerving that this isn't even the top tier for relics but I'm already impressed with it. I've hunted with others that have some really absurd relics, relics that have ridiculous amounts of raw, defense and even element!

SnS as what I said above, are fast weapons, good placement and relocation after a roll and you'll be fine. As with my other relics that don't have their own armor set, I'll pair this up with my Honed Blade set which has some nice essential skills that the SnS can utilize.

I understand why there are a lot of ludicrous relics because the game has sadistic monsters as well, guess that just balances everything after all. Give 4 hunters overpowered weapon relics that they're proficient with and witness just how freakishly powerful top tier relics truly are.

It's been quite some time since I got a relic weapon worth keeping, I've been hunting online these past few weeks trying to get good charms as well but it seems that my luck has somewhat run out. I'm still hoping to get my hands on a relic that has 330 or more raw, maybe in the near future I hope.

Well here's my latest relic SnS, hope you guys also get great relics and charms! Happy hunting!

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